511 |
Many Students Have High Aims. But Due to Their Economic & Other Problems They Are Not Able to Achieve Their Goal. How Can They Reach Their Goal? |
512 |
Many Say That You Have Learnt Carnatic Music. Is It True, and if So, Who Was Your ?guru? And What is Your Favourite ?ragam?? |
513 |
Which is Your Favourite Game, and Who is Your Favourite Player? |
514 |
You Were a Professor. How Can an Ideal Teacher Serve the Country? |
515 |
You Have Worked in Technical & Medical Fields. What Difference Do You Find in Both the Fields? |
516 |
Does Producing Nuclear Weapons Bring Peace and Security to Us? |
517 |
If Pakistan Announces a Nuclear Attack Against India, What Will Be Your First Reaction? |
518 |
Many People Say That Scientists Have No Faith in God. Do You Agree? |
519 |
Who Inspired You in the Field of Science and Also in Your Personal Life? |
520 |
Do You Believe in Luck? |