501 |
How Can I Choose Right Person in Election? |
502 |
Should a Person Fulfill Her Own Dreams or the Expectations Others Have From Her? |
503 |
Why Do You Have This Hairstyle? |
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What is Your Full Name and Who Was Your Best Friend in School? |
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How Far Will the Vision 'india 2020' Be a Success? |
506 |
According to You, What is 'achievement'? |
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Can You Tell Us Any Unforgettable Event That Happened in Your Childhood? |
508 |
What is the Secret Behind Remembering Various Formulas in Science and Maths? |
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Being the President, Are You Able to Concentrate on Science Research Work? If Yes, How Are You Able to, With a Busy Schedule? |
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Which is Your Favourite Book? Why? |