Sr. No. Title
181 Mr. President Sir, How Do You Envisage That Space Technology, the Proposed Sending of a Space Ship to the Moon for Example, Will Help India in Prospering…
182 Mr. President, U.s. Is Indulged in High Power Laser Experiments in Space, What Are the Conditions That is Helping U.s. To Carry These Experiments Only in…
183 Mr. President, Our Country is One Where a Major Part of the Population is Living Under the Poverty Line, Keeping This in View, How Wise It is for Our Coun…
184 Your Excellency, Your Dream of Seeing India as a Developed Country Within the Next Two Decades is Laudable, However 30% of Our Population is Living Below…
185 Mr. President Sir, There is an Urgent Need for Having Transparency in the Appointment of the Judges for the High Courts and the Supreme Court, However Eve…
186 Mr. President the Politics of Our Country Has Been Corrupted by a Nexus Between Politicians, Bureaucrats and the Criminals. Would Your Excellency Suggest…
187 India is Rich in Biodiversity. Why Are We Not Protecting Our Biodiversity Through Patenting? Why is More Effort Not Going on in Intellectual Property Righ…
188 The Farmer?s Suicides in Andhra Pradesh Are Taking Place Due to Poor Cottonseeds and This is Due to Laxity in Our Seed Law Policy. The Companies Producing…
189 It is Said That Our University System is in Crisis, as Students Are Not Taking to Research. In This Situation Can We Expect That an Indian Will Win a Nobe…
190 We Are Better in Agriculture Today and We Are Value Adding 0.8% to Agricultural Products. But This Value Addition is Not by the Farmer but is by the Expor…