Address by the Hon’ble President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu on the Occasion of Call on by Officer Trainees of Indian Police Service, Indian Postal Service, Indian Railway Accounts Service and Indian Revenue Service and Officers of Indian Radio Regulator

Rashtrapati Bhavan : 07.12.2022

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I am happy to interact with the young officers and trainees of Indian Police Service, Indian Revenue Service, Indian Postal Service, Indian Railway Accounts Service and Indian Radio Regulatory Service.

First of all I congratulate you all for clearing the prestigious competitive examinations conducted by UPSC and completing a major part of your training. I am told that some of you are already posted as officers. I am also told that two officer trainees of Bhutan Royal service are also present here today. I welcome both the officers.

Dear young officers,

You all have been selected for the positions carrying highest responsibility. The governance system has huge confidence in your capabilities to implement the policies of national significance and thereby shape the future of the people. In your respective services, you are expected to follow citizen-centric approach while taking decisions. Be aware of your goals and actions. You should align your goals and aims with the broader goals of the nation.

I am told that officers and trainees present here are from diverse social, economic and cultural backgrounds. I am sure you would have gained immensely from each other during your training. Interactions during your training must have been vibrant and enriching.

Dear Officer Trainees of Indian Police Service, Indian Postal Service and Indian Railway Accounts Service,

I am told that you are a group of 35 officers undergoing special foundation course at Haryana Institute of Public Administration, Gurugram. I am sure that the professional knowledge and the orientation for efficient administration that you gain there will enable you to discharge your duties more effectively.

I am told that most of you belong to science and technology background. As we all know, this is the era of technology. There is immense scope of innovation in the field of administration and governance. Technology can be used to make governance more and more effective, speedy, transparent and people-oriented.

Dear Officer Trainees of Indian Revenue Service,

You are joining a service that plays a vital role in collection of resources for the Government. The Government requires and utilizes these resources for undertaking its programmes and projects thus leading to the progress and development of the country.

I am told that 75th batch of Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax) comprises 49 Officer Trainees including two Officer Trainees from Bhutan Royal Service. I am happy to know that 16 states and UTs are represented in your batch. The Officer Trainees in the batch are from diverse educational backgrounds such as engineering, medical science, commerce and law. I am told that one third of the officer trainees are from rural background. Your experience and knowledge of rural India will enable you to adopt more inclusive approach in your way of working.

You must remember that your twin role is to facilitate compliance of tax laws by taxpayers and also contribute to overall credible deterrence against tax evasion. Communications with taxpayers should be made more respectful and system should move towards voluntary compliance. I am confident that you will perform your duties with commitment and dedication. Faceless Assessment Scheme of Government of India is aimed towards bringing more transparency in governance. I also advise the young Officer Trainees to acquaint themselves with the new faceless environment. I am sure you will work hard to acquire and develop the knowledge and skills required for performing your job in upcoming decades.

Dear officers of Indian Radio Regulatory Service

The functions of Indian Radio Regulatory Service are very significant and have gained greater importance in recent years. The allocation of spectrum licenses, conducting spectrum auction and providing necessary clearances are some of your major responsibilities. In the digital environment, adequate access to spectrum is necessary for expanding tele-communication networks and addressing the rising demand for data services. Mobile phones have now become a part and parcel of our life. Personal as well as professional communications are done through mobile phones. India has already welcomed 5G which is the fifth generation mobile phone technology. All this wireless communication is possible only with efficient spectrum management. I am sure you will do your job with utmost sincerity and will bring in new ideas and technologies for making and implementing relevant policies.

Dear officers,

I have observed that the strength of lady officers in these services has increased in recent years. But I would like to say that this is not enough and I wish to higher number of lady officers in all such services in coming years.

In the end, I would like to highlight that every segment of population should keep in mind the interests of the poorest of the poor. As public policy is a tool for social justice, public servants are the agents of social change. You have chosen public service as your career; therefore always remember that you are here to serve the nation.

I once again extend my best wishes to all the officers and trainees of various services present here today for a bright future and successful career ahead.

Thank you! 
Jai Hind! 
Jai Bharat!

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