Speech by Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil, at the Unveiling of the Statue of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar at Jaipur

Jaipur : 22.06.2008


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honoured to unveil the statue of one of the greatest sons of India, Dr. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar. This statue, I am told, is probably the tallest statue of Baba Saheb in the country. I would like to felicitate the Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Welfare Society for organizing this function as a tribute to a great son of India.

Dr. Ambedkar, a recipient of the Bharat Ratna for his invaluable services to the nation, was a multifaceted and multi dimensional personality. He was an erudite scholar, a legal luminary, a constitutional expert, a social reformer and above all a humanist. He dedicated his vast talents to the freedom struggle of India, to development of the country and to the cause of social justice. He shall always be remembered for his role in the drafting of our Constitution and indeed, it can be said that he was the principal architect of the Indian Constitution. The enlightened vision of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity that is contained in the preamble of the Constitution has been guiding the Indian nation, the world's largest democracy.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar's philosophy and life are a profile of courage and conviction. It was through his extra-ordinary intellectual calibre and determination that he was able to overcome the adversities he faced and to pursue his studies. He graduated from the Elphinstone College in Mumbai and joined the Baroda State Service. Thereafter, he went on a scholarship to the Columbia University in New York from where he obtained his Doctorate. Then, he moved to the United Kingdom in 1916 where he enrolled in the Gray's Inn for pursuing his Bar at Law. Later, he became the Principal of Government Law College in Mumbai, where I also studied many years later.

A believer in the power of knowledge, throughout his life he was a voracious reader. In fact, he bought books by curtailing his daily needs and is said to have purchased 2,000 books while he was studying in New York. Having himself seen how education had changed his life, he believed that no democratic process could be complete unless the people were properly educated. Dr. Ambedkar saw education as the most powerful agent for bringing about change in society; a tool for the liberation of the socially backward from illiteracy, ignorance and superstition and an instrument for the fight against all forms of injustice, exploitation and oppression.

Babasaheb wanted education to touch the lives of those who had not received its benefits and, therefore, he founded the People's Education Society in 1945 with the aim of advancing the educational interest of the weaker sections of society. Later, he started the Siddharth College in Mumbai in 1946 and the Milind College in Aurangabad in Maharashtra, the foundation stone of which was laid by the first President of India, Dr. Rajendra Prasad in 1951.

Just as Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had emphasized on education as a tool for social emancipation, so also today the Government is very keen that our people, especially the disadvantaged and the vulnerable sections of our society get education. I am confident that the policy of the Government of universalisation of elementary education focusing particularly on marginalized groups, poorer sections and the girl child, enhancing enrollment in secondary education as well as its commitment to expand our education facilities will empower and equip our youth to face the future with hope and confidence. An educated and skilled work force will help place India in the forefront of the comity of nations in the 21st Century.

Women's education is very important for national development. The progress of the nation cannot be complete until the other half of the population also has access to education at all levels - primary, middle school and college. After all how can a chariot move if one of its wheels is not present? Education will empower women and in turn this would help in the eradication of many social evils such as dowry, child marriage and female foeticide. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar believed strongly in the importance of education of women, as he said and I quote, "I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved." Unquote.

As we are progressing, we must ensure that we adhere to a strategy of inclusive growth in all areas of national life, so that the benefits of our rapid economic growth can improve the lives of all our citizens, particularly the downtrodden, the disadvantaged sections of the society, the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes. We must work relentlessly for the upliftment of the vulnerable sections of society. A life of dignity must be assured to all. The fight against poverty, illiteracy and disease must be fought and won. Delivering social welfare and social justice to our people will be a just tribute to Babasaheb. I understand that the Dr. Ambedkar Society is undertaking a number of welfare and awareness activities and I would like to encourage them to continue their good work.

We must all remind ourselves today that the life of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was a story of great struggles and achievements, a life which left an indelible mark in history. He was the champion of the oppressed and the downtrodden. His contribution to national building and human welfare won him respect and admiration not only in India but globally. In the words of the Nobel Laureate Gunnar Myrdal, and I quote, "All over the world, the memory of B.R. Ambedkar will live forever as a truly great Indian in the generation which laid down the direction of independent India." Unquote.

Dr. Ambedkar was an extra-ordinary man, with great human qualities. The ideals and principles as well as the life of Babasaheb should be a source of inspiration for all us. I have great respect for Babasabeh and am honored to pay homage to his memory. I thank Shri P.C. Hadia and the office bearers of Dr. Ambedkar Memorial Welfare Society for organizing this function.

Thank You.