Speech by Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil, at the Presentation of Key of Gold to the President at Madrid, Spain

Madrid, Spain : 21.04.2009

Hon'ble Mayor,


Ladies and Gentlemen.

I am delighted to be here today in this most resplendent City Hall. Madrid has had the honoured status of the capital city of Spain for over four hundred years. While it possesses a modern, cutting edge and almost futuristic, infrastructure, it has preserved the look and feel of its rich history. Through its enormous contribution to all spheres of life, Madrid is truly the heart and soul of Spain. It is a welcoming city and a true meeting point of different cultures.

We are keen to strengthen our bilateral relations with Spain and I have no doubt that the city of Madrid will play an increasingly larger role, be it in the trade, economic and financial aspects or in the cultural, educational and scientific spheres.

Honoring me with the Key to the City of Madrid today, Hon'ble Mayor, manifests the sentiments of friendship and warmth that the people of Madrid have for India and its people. I reciprocate this gesture and wish to convey greetings, as much from the people of India as on my own account: May all the Madrilenos and Spaniards be blessed with success and prosperity as they endeavour to scale new heights!