Speech by Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil, on the Occasion of Presentation of the Silver Trumpet and Trumpet Banner to the President's Bodyguard

New Delhi : 01.03.2008


Gallant Officers,

Junior Commissioned Officers and Soldiers of the

President's Bodyguard,

I consider it a great privilege to present to you, the Silver Trumpet with my Trumpet Banner on this day. I extend, my heartiest greetings and congratulate you for the impressive military bearing, which you have displayed on this parade. As the President's personal troops, you have upheld the highest standards of martial capability and distinguished service to our Motherland.

The President's Bodyguard is the senior most Regiment in the Indian Army and the only Regiment that is fully trained as Horsemen, Paratroopers, Tankmen and in Ceremonial duties. This has earned you a special place of pride in our Armed Forces. Your patriotism and valour have won you the respect, affection and the esteem of the entire Nation. I am happy to state that you have always served with distinction, particularly during times of crises and in peace and in war, with the United Nations Peace Keeping Missions, the Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka and now on the icy heights of the Siachen Glacier. I am confident that your bravery in action and your steadfast dedication will continue to inspire all those who join the Regiment in the years to come.

The people of India look upon our Armed Forces as sterling examples of courage, professionalism and commitment, which strengthen the unity of the Nation. The President's Bodyguard being the senior mostt regiment in our Army, plays a crucial role in becoming an epitome of utmost dedication, integrity and loyalty. It is, therefore, imperative for each of you to continually develop your professional competence and endeavour to achieve the highest standards of excellence.

I am happy to have such an impressive body of men as the President's personal Bodyguard. I wish you every success in all your future endeavours and hope that the clarion call of the new Silver Trumpet with its Trumpet Banner will inspire you to attain greater glory for the Regiment and for our Nation in the times to come.

Thank You.