Speech by Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil at the Indian Community Reception at Dhabi, Uae

Dhabi, Uae : 23.11.2010

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am very pleased to meet all of you here today. You are all leading members of the Indian Community in the UAE, and your contribution in promoting ties between India and the UAE is greatly appreciated by the Government of India. At the outset, I would like to acknowledge the contributions made by the Indian community to the growth and transformation of this country. In this regard, the role of Indian workers requires special mention, as do their problems and issues, which should receive our careful attention.

I thank the Ministry of Labor of the UAE Government for initiating many welfare measures to help our workers. The Government of India, under the leadership of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs has initiated programmes for the welfare of Indian workers abroad, including the setting up of the Indian Community Welfare Fund. I am happy to launch today, the Indian Workers' Resource Center which, apart from assistance including counseling, will provide a 24-hour helpline for workers. I hope that the Indian community will extend all assistance to the Indian Mission in the UAE to enable this Center to fulfill its responsibilities.

India is a country with great vitality in political, economic, cultural, educational and other fields. This vitality emanates from our dynamic civilisational heritage. We can be proud that ours is one of the oldest continuous civilizations of the world. Its contribution to human advancement has been as phenomenal as its contribution to the evolution of thinking, and of philosophical approaches of the human race. Our culture has taught us to live with and respect diversity, and to be resilient in the face of adversity. Our adherence and commitment to 'unity in diversity' has strengthened our vitality. As Mahatma Gandhi said, 'a nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people'

The cultural exchange between India and West Asia has been going on for centuries, with each drawing from each other's strengths. In the pre-colonial days, the Western coast of India, especially the Malabar Coast had been a major center of world trade. The extensive trade ties between India and the Arab world was reflected in Indian ships with Indian sailors sailing along the Arabian Sea and to the Red Sea, carrying Indian goods which were in great demand. Many of your families came to this part of the world long before oil was discovered here. Indians played an active role in the pearl trade which was a major economic activity in the pre-oil era. The discovery of oil and the resultant growth in economic activities, led to a quantum jump in the arrival of Indians. The Indian community has made vital contributions to strengthen political, economic and cultural contacts between the UAE and India.

You have proved to be valuable goodwill ambassadors for our country and your contributions have been appreciated by the rulers of this country whose benevolent policies have enabled you to make a living here. I appreciate the assistance and attitude of the Government of the UAE. You have been an integral part of the success story in which the UAE has made rapid strides transforming itself, in a single generation, into a global economic powerhouse. Through your collective efforts and hard work, you have built enduring institutions, and this India Club is one such symbol of your laudable achievements.

The Indian community in the UAE is a microcosm of India with diverse cultural backgrounds, but retaining the unique Indian identity. As the popular saying goes, 'you can take Indians out of India, but you cannot take India out of Indians'. During the years since our independence in 1947, India has achieved much success. Our democracy is deep-rooted and our international profile has shown consistent linear progression. Our voice is heard with respect in major international fora including at the G-20. We have recently been elected to the Non-Permanent seat on the UN Security Council, and we are thankful to the Government of the UAE and the ruler of the UAE, that they have extended support to India's permanent membership in the reformed UN Security Council. India is currently the fourth largest economy in the world on the basis of Purchasing Power Parity. Having successfully weathered the global financial crisis, our economy is now one of the fastest growing in the world. Our annual growth rate is 8.5 percent, but we are confident of taking it to double digits, sooner rather than later.

With a predominantly young work force and a vibrant market, India has become an attractive destination for foreign investors. During the last three years, India has received cumulative Foreign Direct Investment worth over 100 billion US Dollars. As our economy expands, it offers opportunities for collaboration between India and overseas Indian communities. I invite you to make use of these opportunities in India.

The Indian community in the UAE has been a strong supporter of our economic growth and through its regular remittances has stood by India in its difficult times. I am aware that the Indian community, with its high emphasis on educational opportunities for its children, would like to have more educational facilities in India than what it offers now. The Government is considering ways to address these demands. Our Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs runs a Diaspora Scholarship Scheme that offers scholarships to PIO and NRI students studying in Indian universities. I note that some educational institutes from India have set up institutes of advanced learning in the UAE. I look forward to seeing your greater involvement in this endeavour.

I wish each of one of you and your families the very best in the years to come, and also hope that the India Club will continue to serve the community for many years to come. I do hope that the India Club will continue to serve the Indian community in the years ahead.

Thank you.