Speech by Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil, at the Golden Jubilee Function of the Hyderabad Karnataka Education Society
Gulbarga : 07.01.2009

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am very happy to be here in Gulbarga, for the function to mark the Golden Jubilee of Hyderabad Karnataka Education Society. The city of Gulbarga once the capital of the Bahamani Kingdom, has in recent times, become well known as an education hub of this region. Therefore, it is fitting that today, we are gathered here, to mark a milestone in the life of an educational institution that has done much to promote the cause of education and help the youth of this region.
Hyderabad Karnataka Education Society was born out of a feeling of deep commitment to society and a vision to provide higher education to the youth of this region. Today, due to the work of its members as also the contributions made by local farmers and businesspersons to the society, many from this region have been able to stand on their feet and become partners in the development of Gulbarga district, its surrounding talukas and Districts.
Today, the Society has established more than 40 educational institutions in not only Gulbarga district, but also surrounding districts, talukas and villages. Its colleges and institutes train students for degrees and diplomas in a variety of disciplines, such as: - Engineering, Medicine, Law, Arts, Commerce, Science, Management and Education.
To mark the occasion of its Golden Jubilee, I am told that the Society has constructed a library building in which there are over 60,000 books. With the introduction of the facility of a digital library and online lending, the effort is to enhance accessibility of students to the library resources. This is a noteworthy effort and students must make full use of it.
It is commendable, that along with education facilities, the Society also created enabling infrastructure in the form of hostels at some places for students. This has provided the opportunity, for many who live in far off places to receive education, in this locality. Its care and concern is not just limited to the educational sphere, but extends to caring for those needing medical treatment, through the Basaveshwara and Sangameshwara Hospitals.
I am glad that the Society has contributed to providing higher education facilities to women, through the establishment of a Women's College, a Women's Polytechnic and High Schools for girls. I comment you and appreciate your work. Women's education has a very important place in the overall development of the nation. It not only helps in the development of half the human resource, but by also making a visible improvement in the development of the next generation. Educated women provide much better guidance to their children. At the same time, women who through the tool of education receive employment are an example of empowered womanhood. It is important for women to be enabled to overcome discrimination and to march shoulder to shoulder with the men folk, for the progress of the country.
The youth and the students of today will be architects of the India of tomorrow. Great hopes are pinned on them. They are to carry the country forward to take its place as one of the fastest growing and the largest economies of the world. India's young demographic profile gives us an advantage in terms of manpower availability. The range and the nature of opportunities that exist today were unthinkable during my times when I was a student. The advances in science and technology have opened new areas of activities and new fields of knowledge. The youth must be equipped with the skills to grasp these opportunities.
Another aspect that requires attention is our low employability ratio. According to a recent study not more than 39 percent engineering graduates in India are employable, which means that many engineering graduates face difficulty in finding suitable employment and many industries do not get skilled human resource required for jobs.
There is a mismatch between the skills that our graduates possess and talents that are needed in the country. This gap needs to be bridged. It is very important for educational institutions to constantly upgrade their training methodologies and curriculum. Interaction between the industry, business and academic institutions would be useful in framing a syllabus that is contemporary and relevant. Development of vocational and entrepreneurial skills is important for creating self employment options.
The path of progress on which India is moving ahead, can take a faster trajectory if, every State, every district and every taluka is able to create a sustainable development paradigm. The Hyderabad Karnataka Education Society can think of how it can help in improving the human development index of this area. A majority of our population lives in the rural areas and, therefore, creation of employment opportunities in our villages and rural areas is of utmost importance. Research could be conducted on ways to improve not only agriculture, but also allied agricultural activity, such as animal husbandry in this region.
Ways can be found to improve the production of food crops. Gulbarga is already called as the Tur Bowl of the State, I am sure ways to diversify the crop pattern and for value addition to agricultural produce could be worked on. Perhaps the time has arrived for the creation of a faculty of agricultural sciences here. This would help in strengthening agriculture on which the local economy depends.
Finally, I would like to mention that just as institutions have a responsibility of providing and creating conditions conducive for the spread of knowledge, all citizens, have duties and responsibilities, which they should strive to fulfill.
The image of India is that of a country with strong democratic roots, and a tradition of mutual respect between different communities. The spirit of harmony and tolerance which has been our hallmark should be strengthened. We need to understand that those who pursue a divisive agenda see every element of our diversity as an issue they can use, for polarizing us for their selfish interests. In such situations, as Indians, we must collectively stand up as one. As torch-bearers of the new generation, the students should avail every opportunity to spread the message that we will not pursue a divisive agenda, but pursue an agenda for growth and prosperity, and we will not be divided whatever the provocation and we will retain our diversity as our strength.
Fifty years is a long period. The Hyderabad Karnataka Education Society has traveled this distance with great commitment and devotion to academic values. There is a Sanskrit shloka:

which means, "Knowledge is the only power."
This should be our inspiration in this century of "knowledge power". India has emerged as a leader in the global knowledge economy and we have to strive to maintain this position. Educational institutions have a primary role in this endeavour. Our youth are eagerly seeking avenues of education and employment. There can be no better satisfaction, than knowing that facilities have been made available to them for education. I convey my best wishes to the Hyderabad Karnataka Education Society in their endeavour and to continue its good work. My best wishes to you for the New Year.
Thank you,
Jai Hind.