Speech by Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil at the Convocation of Mizoram University

Aizawl, Mizoram : 24.09.2010



Ladies and Gentlemen, and students,

It gives me great pleasure to be participating in the Convocation of the Mizoram University at Tanhril - a breathtakingly beautiful place. Mizoram is nestled in the picturesque and gentle hills with pleasant climate and is, indeed, very welcoming. On this occasion, I congratulate all the graduating students for their academic performance and all the parents, faculty members, staff members and other employees of the University, who are directly or indirectly involved in shaping their minds and character.

Dear Students,

Today is an important day and a significant milestone in your lives. Years of toil and labour in pursuit of intellectual excellence have brought you to the gateway of your future dreams and achievements. Your education should give you the capability to meet the challenges of life with confidence. Though, it was here that your mission for higher learning began, it does not end here. The process of learning continues throughout life. The quest for constant improvement is, indeed, embedded in the motto of your University - 'Greater Deeds Remain'. This University has lived up to this vision. Established as a Central University in 2001, I am told, Mizoram University has made notable progress in the academic and research fields, besides becoming an instrument of socio-economic development and empowerment of the State. I am confident that the University will continue to grow and strive for excellence.

The welfare, progress and prosperity of a country depends on the quality of its citizens, and this in turn is the outcome of the education they receive. Education, in every sense, is one of the fundamental factors of development. No country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in human capital. Education enriches people's understanding of themselves and the world. It improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and society. Education is the gateway to opportunity and it raises people's productivity and creativity.

Educational institutions to be relevant, must take into account the national scenario and global developments to structure a curriculum that caters to the opportunities and challenges that are likely to be faced by students. The Indian economy is getting integrated with the global economy through the process of globalization. This throws the challenge of being globally competitive. It is heartening that many of Indian entrepreneurs have expanded beyond national frontiers and become global leaders of multinational ventures. In the knowledge economy, ideas, innovations and intellectual capital will be the main determinants of higher productivity. Higher education must, therefore, develop analytical, creative and scientific capability of their students.

Higher education is being accorded priority in our country. It is our aim to increase Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education to 30 percent by the year 2020 which means almost tripling the enrolment from the present 14 million to about 40 million. Universities of the country, existing and the new ones, will be responsible for achieving this target.

I would like to emphasize three qualities that students must imbibe as habits. One, it should be remembered that a successful life is largely a matter of discipline. But this discipline, in order to be of value, must be largely self-discipline. Imposed discipline often defeats its purpose. Second, the development of concentration helps in focusing the mind on the tasks before you. As Swami Vivekananda said, "The more this power of concentration, the more knowledge is acquired, because this is the one and only method of acquiring knowledge." Third, time management helps you manage your tasks effectively by prioritizing tasks and completing them as per schedule. Goals are easier to achieve in this way. Moreover, you must keep some time for doing work for the welfare of society.

Universities are institutions for public good and public welfare and have a role in fulfilling national and social responsibilities. It is here that youth can be enthused with a spirit of national unity and national development, so that they are eager contributors to building a strong and modern India, through a process of inclusive growth. Education without community participation is incomplete in today's world. I am happy to know that research based on requirement is being conducted here. Students must interact with local communities and understand their problems. Periodic short-term courses for the local community on issues relevant to them like floriculture, mushroom cultivation, and medicinal plants can be organized by Mizoram University, where students also participate. Moreover, bamboo flowering called Muatam and Jhum cultivation, which have caused setbacks to agriculture in the State, need to be studied in-depth, with the aim to deal with them on a scientific basis. Mizoram has forests and it is rich in flora and fauna. I hope the University undertakes a programme for proper documentation of the State's rich biodiversity. It is also important that the University creates certain awareness of the adverse impact of climate change and encourages people to adopt energy efficient and eco-friendly measures.

The calibre of a University depends on the work of its Lecturers and Professors. The faculty members are its lifeblood. They must like a friend, always be ready to give advice and guidance to their students on how best they can be ready to face the world. It is very important to focus on character building and to inculcate amongst the youth, the values of compassion, harmonious living and respect for elders. Caring and sharing, service and sacrifice have been a part of the ethos of our country. As inheritors of such a society, students must develop concern for human welfare, aspire for deepening and broadening their knowledge and understand the power of collective team work.

I have often spoken against ragging, which is nothing but suppression of new entrants to the campus. I am glad to learn that this University is free from ragging and hope that it will continue to be so. It is encouraging that older students welcome the new students and help them to settle down. This is also a tribute to the Mizo moral code of Tlawmngaihna which imposes an obligation on all members of society to be hospitable, kind, unselfish, and helpful to others. While looking after those in your communities, as students, you must also appreciate our country as one that is enriched by its various streams. These bring to the nation a rich diversity of languages, dances and traditions. We must, therefore, work to preserve our unity in diversity.

Dear Students,

The hospitality of Mizoram is world renowned and the people have a great community feeling. With this background you represent the youth of India and India has high expectations of you. As I congratulate you on completing your studies, I wish you to excel in whatever field you choose for yourselves.

Thank You. 
Jai Hind.