Speech by Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil on the 75th Founder's Day Celebrations of the Doon School at Dehradun

Dehradun : 23.10.2010


Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am extremely pleased to be here in Dehradun, a beautiful city, flanked by the Himalayas and where many well known national institutions are located. I take this opportunity to convey my warm greetings to the people of Uttarakhand.

His Majesty, the King of Bhutan is amongst us today. I attended his Coronation Ceremony two years ago, when as a young King he enunciated his vision for the progress and development of Bhutan. He has shown wisdom in his youth and demonstrated a mature, sensible and humane approach in his thinking. I wish him all success in his endeavours.

I am happy to participate in the 75th Founder's Day Celebrations of the Doon School, a well known and reputed school of our country. Its founder, Satish Ranjan Das sought to set up a school, which while imparting the best that a public education could offer, would also inculcate in the students a sense of the heritage and culture of India. A great emphasis was placed on training boys in the art of leadership and the fundamentals of democracy. I congratulate the management, teachers, staff, old boys and young students of the School for this very important landmark of 75 years. I am informed that at the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the Doon School in 1985, Prime Minister Shri Rajiv Gandhi had participated. He was an alumnus of this School. He was a dynamic, enthusiastic and young Prime Minister and used to say "India is an old country but a young nation�.. I am young and I too have a dream, I dream of India - strong, independent, self-reliant and in the front rank of the nations of the world, in the service of mankind." I believe that a nation where citizens are driven by a vision has the potential to overcome constraints and achieve great success.

India stands at a crucial stage. It has many advantages including a predominantly young population and one of the world's fastest growing economies. All across the globe there is interest in India as an emerging global power. In these inspiring times, the biggest challenge is to prepare the youth who are educated and capable, with skills and the intellectual capacity to meet the various needs and requirements for developing the nation. We have to be able to compete with the finest minds in the world. In this, education occupies a crucial position.

Primary education is now a fundamental right for children in the age group of 6 to 14 years. This was a significant decision of the Government, and I would like to appreciate the efforts of Shri Kapil Sibal, Minister of Human Resource Development, who is here with us today. We are moving towards the universalization of education at the secondary level. Higher education is being accorded priority. This would require commitment and performance on the part of all stakeholders.

The education system must look at the holistic development of the youth of the country. In this context, I would like to emphasize three aspects which are very important for the overall development of children.

One, education is about knowledge. Children in schools must be introduced to the world, its history and its dynamics. They must be acquainted with science and its wonders. They should learn about society and its evolution. Languages will help them in building their communication skills. Mathematics, environment and other subjects are all very important. Hence, the curriculum has to be crafted in a manner which gives students an understanding of the world.

Second, knowledge without values is incomplete. It is a value system that can prepare the younger generation to become responsible citizens who contribute to the welfare of society and advancement of the human race. Values provide an anchor in life as well as the ability to take decisions, however difficult. They make you strong and capable of withstanding the greatest storms. Concepts of peace, harmony and tolerance must be learned in school. We are a democratic nation, which means, there must be willingness to listen to the other's point of view, and to have respect for differing perceptions. The education system must strengthen adherence to secularism, inclusiveness and pluralism. These are the great values enshrined in our Constitution and developed by our civilization. These give strength and sustenance to our diverse multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-lingual society.

The third aspect which is important, is to build a spirit of working together constructively. In this, sports play an important part. Apart from physical fitness, sports develop qualities like team spirit, striving for excellence and learning to accept success and defeat. Similarly, extra curricular activities help build a spirit of social service. Often talent can be discovered when working in areas of interest.

The Doon School has to its credit, that it has focused on all- round education. Students here achieve academic excellence and at the same time have strengths in art, music, drama, debating, public speaking, publishing and writing. The School pioneered some key educational practices including Socially Useful Productive Work, which gives labour quotas to students. Dignity of labour and pride in your work will stand you in great stead in life. I am told that the Doon School has supported village development projects for many decades. This focus on social service makes one sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

I would like to tell the students of Doon School that you are students of a great institution, and have the opportunity of studying, playing and living in this most beautiful environment. It must definitely generate love for nature and make you aware that we have to work to preserve and conserve the resources of the planet. These are the most wonderful years of your life when you are learning and absorbing knowledge, when you are forming friendships, which will act as bonds for the rest of your lives. Apply yourself with your full concentration and energy, so that you can get the maximum benefit. The foundations that you lay today will remain with you throughout your lives.

The School is also fortunate to have had excellent teachers. From Mr. Arthur Foot, the first Headmaster to the present Headmaster all have been persons of high standing, rich experience and a deep commitment to education. Teaching is a profession of great responsibility. It is said, to teach is to touch lives for ever. The success of the work of teachers is reflected in how their students enrich society.

The alumni of this school have contributed to the political, economic and social life of the country. How many schools can count a Prime Minister, several Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliament and Chief Ministers of States; novelists and artists; prominent journalists and broadcasters; diplomats, civil servants, and officers in the armed forces at the highest levels; social activists and business CEOs; lawyers, and doctors amongst their alumni. The students of today must also become contributors to India's advancement in the twenty-first Century, as also good citizens of the world who set high standards. Remember the words of Gurudev Tagore that, "Men, at their highest, are path-makers. They make paths not for exclusive profit, not for power, but paths along which the hearts of men can come into touch with the hearts of their brothers."

With these words, once again, I wish all present here progress and prosperity and the Doon School many, many more years of success.

Thank you. 
Jai Hind!