Speech by Hon'ble President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil, at the Public Felicitation in Her Honour at Gandhinagar

Gandhinagar, Gujarat : 30.09.2009

My greetings to all the people of Gujarat. I also convey warm greetings to those living in Gandhinagar, from where I have the honor to speak to all of you. I am grateful for public felicitation function organized for me. I will not forget the good wishes, respect and affection shown to me.

Gujarat has an important place in our history both ancient and medieval. It is the site of many settlements of the Indus Valley Civilization, such as Lothal and Dholavira. The people of Gujarat played a leading role in our struggle for independence. Gujarat is the land of Mahatma Gandhi who gave us the values of harmony and tolerance. It is the land of Sardar Vallabhai Patel who integrated the nation into one unit. It is also the lands of several other leaders and countless men and women who participated in the freedom movement and have contributed immensely to nation-building.

It was from Sabarmati Ashram located in Gujarat that Gandhiji led a unique movement in the history of the world, where a nation fought for its freedom on the basis of Ahimsa and Satyagraha. The Dandi March, the first organized act of opposition to British rule after the declaration of Purna Swaraj, was launched from here in 1930. The symbolic act of defiance by Gandhiji, when he clutched a fistful of salt from the sea at Dandi, infused millions of other Indians with the courage to stand-up. They refused to pay a tax that was unjust and, thus, defied the colonial rulers. During my stay in Gujarat, I will be visiting Sabarmati Ashram. I will also be going to Porbandar on 2nd October, on the birth anniversary of Gandhiji to pay my respect.

October is also the month in which Sardar Patel was born. During my stay in Gujarat I will be paying my homage to him by inaugurating a Hall of the Sardar Patel Memorial Society. Gandhiji and Sardar Vallabhai Patel worked together closely during the entire years of the freedom struggle. They came together for the first time in the Kheda Satyagraha in 1918. Mahatma Gandhi's leadership and Sardar Patel's stewardship inspired the farmers of Kheda district not to submit to the colonial rulers' insistence on payment of tax. Even when their personal property, land and livelihood were seized, the farmers resisted in a peaceful and non-violent manner. The success of the agitation was a great inspiration for people across the country to join the national freedom movement.

My life is for thee, Oh my country! But we did not have a Motherland. We were slaves. If we wished to sacrifice our lives, for whom could we do so? Where would we begin? Whose honor and dignity would we defend? How would, heads raised with pride, we say this is our Motherland?

Bapu gave us our Motherland. He gave us honor and dignity. The Motherland on whom we swear, has given us pride and respect to live and die with honor.

Many nations have put-up statues of Mahatma Gandhi in his memory. The world over, October 2nd shall be celebrated to emphasize the importance of non-violence, thus raising India's stature.

After winning independence, India embarked on the path of nation-building, development and progress. As I stated in my Independence Day address to the Nation, I am confident that our nation will move forward to become an exemplary democracy, an economic power and a progressive society. However, our progress has to be inclusive and therefore, every effort must be made to spread the benefits of development to all segments and sections of society. It was Gandhiji who gave us a valuable lesson that our work will not be complete till we have wiped every tear from every eye. It is when the fruits of development touch the lives of all people and all segments of society are partners in the growth process, that we would have created a stable and secure society. Also, when there differences these should be resolved in a democratic manner and through dialogue and discussion. This is the path we should follow as we build a strong nation.

As we prepare for tomorrow, we must focus on giving quality education and good values to the next generation. It is when our citizens are educated that we would be able to continue our march forward. Hence, I feel that education must deserve constant attention. Equally important is for all citizens to work together and to work hard to achieve national objectives. As it is said in Gujarathi-

Karya wagar kai maltu nathi.  
Karelu fokut jatu nathi.

Which Means-You will not get anything without effort, and; No effort goes in vain.

The people of Gujarat are hardworking, enterprising and innovative. As a result the State has steadily progressed and has contributed in a major way to national development. Gujarat has been a centre of trade and commerce and shown how prosperity can benefit society in many ways. It has over the decades diversified its industrial base substantially. Soon after its creation in 1960, textiles and auxiliaries were the major contributors to the state's industrial economy. Today, Gujarat is a base for refined petroleum products, chemicals, agro-products and machinery and equipment amongst many others. But it is not just industry that has done well here. When one mentions the 'White Revolution' the name that immediately comes to mind is - Gujarat. The cooperative sector has been a catalyst in making Gujarat a great success and, it is Gujarat which has given an effective meaning to the co-operative movement in India.

Gujarat is a fast urbanizing State. While efforts are being made to provide urban infrastructure, it is equally important to build a modern society where every section of society gets an opportunity to grow. Empowering women is important. There are many women who have come together to build successful organizations. SEWA is one such organization. The civil society is Gujarat is also doing a lot of work. They can provide support to women welfare programmes. Women Self Help Groups play an important role in making women financially self-sufficient. This is important for the socio-economic development of India.

The people of Gujarat have not just contributed to the progress of their state and their country but have also ventured abroad and have been successful there. The Gujarati community is spread across the globe. It is often said that you will find a hospitable and a friendly Gujarati in most parts of the world. They have been contributing to the development of the country of their adoption while not forgetting their own country. The diaspora has also maintained its emotional, cultural and economic relations with the motherland. One example is the prompt response, with open hearts, shown immediately after the Gujarat earthquake of 2001. I am confident that Indians overseas will continue to be partners in the economic resurgence of India.

I am in Gujarat just after the festive season of Navratras and before Diwali, the Festival of Lights. It reminds me of the joyous Garba and the Dandia-Raas dances performed during this period in which the young and the old, men and women participate. In the same way, when all segments of society work together there will be celebrations of success and progress. I end by conveying to the people of Gujarat my very best wishes for their prosperity and well being.

Thank you. 
Jai Hind. 