Speech by Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil at the Civic Reception at the Convocation of Tripura University

Agartala, Tripura : 25.09.2010

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Dear Graduating Students,

and Members of the Faculty,

I am very happy to be present here today at the 8th Convocation of Tripura University. There always has been a desire for pursuit of higher education in the State of Tripura. With a view to meeting these needs, the erstwhile Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore Manikya Bahadur established the first Degree College in 1947. Between then and 1987, the college grew to include a post graduate centre. This helped spread the reach of education in the State. Taking into consideration the growing needs of education, the State Government passed the Tripura University Act in 1987, and this University was established in that same year, on a very important date - the 2nd October, Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. This may have been a coincidence, but Gandhiji's views on education are worth recalling for emulation. Gandhiji said, "Man is neither mere intellect, nor the gross animal body, nor the heart or the soul alone. A proper and harmonious combination of all three is required for the making of the whole man..."

Education is, therefore, a process that makes a complete individual in all respects. The process of education must provide the individual with the means and the abilities to apply knowledge to the task at hand, and at the same time to have the strength of character to overcome difficulties. If students are to do well in life, they would require not only knowledge and discipline, but also the desire from within to perform the task at hand with excellence.

Science and Technology will increasingly influence the course of human civilization and hold the key to economic growth and social development. Universities can be sources of new knowledge and innovative thinking. It is important that Universities have an environment sympathetic to and supportive of innovation. Success of our future generations depends on the ability to innovate and adapt. The aim also has to be research and innovation that is of international standards. The most important telling impact of Science and Technology is when it makes a difference to the lives of the common people. Local demands for appropriate technology could be addressed through the creation of a development centre for such technologies in your campus. Efforts should also be made to democratize innovation, by tapping into innovative ideas at the grassroots of society. The needs of society could, therefore, be one of the important activities of this University.

Skilled human capital and knowledge resources are two of the most important factors for upgrading national competitive advantage. In this context, it is noteworthy that Government has started a National Skill Development Mission to fulfill the growing need for skilled people and has set a target for 500 million skilled persons by the year 2022. This will help in training, establishing of standards and quality assurance and development of technology platforms. India is a young nation with more than 540 million youth population. Quality education and usable skills along with value can transform the youth into an incredible force of change and progress. Introduction of job oriented and vocational courses is very necessary and this University can play an important role.

The states of the North-East are known for their reservoirs of traditional knowledge in many areas. Efforts should be made to identify this knowledge, document it, conserve it and improve it. For example some of the best handicrafts are a result of traditional techniques. This University and others like it across this region can think of new manufacturing methods, product design and product development to help artisans. Efforts can also be made to document these techniques so that traditional artisans can be helped in passing on this knowledge to future generation of crafts persons.

Tourism also has good potential here. The State has many strengths, which are required to be harnessed for economic development and which could increase employment. The University can introduce special programmes to build capacities for developing sustainable tourism.

If India is to develop rapidly every part of the country and every segment of society must be touched by the development process. I am, therefore, happy that this University has set up a Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy. The Centre should also facilitate the study and research of ways and methods to promote inclusion of the socially marginalized sections into mainstream activity.

The role of teachers is central in a university. A great responsibility rests on them. We need innovative and dynamic teachers with a commitment to their noble profession. They must constantly update their knowledge base and teaching methodologies. The future of our society and the world would depend on the way we shape our students. The need is for a multi-disciplinary and holistic approach to education particularly at the University level. It is only through such an approach that can young minds be trained to independently analyze and solve problems in their specific areas of study. Teachers have to develop in their students the qualities that make good human beings. The challenge before them is to improve the quality of education. They should inculcate in them values such as harmony, tolerance and respect for elders. All these are basic necessities of being a good citizen. Tripura represents a composite culture with several ethnic groups living here. Though the cultural heritage of one community differs from the other, but through multifaceted interface they have mingled into a single whole, giving birth to a unique cultural genre. This helps in forging a strong nation.

A convocation ceremony is a great occasion for a University. I wish all those who have been associated with this university and congratulate those students who have received medals and degrees today. I am sure that the students would keep in mind the many responsibilities that they have in shaping the nation. For students, graduation should not be looked upon as the end of a journey or arrival at the final destination. Rather the spirit and attitude should be that this is the beginning of a mission, where the knowledge and skills acquired will be put to test. I am sure there shall be many moments when you will find success too easily and, other times, when you shall be puzzled and wish that the hard times would end. Challenges are a daily occurrence, we should not get intimidated by them, but rather learn to surmount them. Both success and failure should be looked at with the same sense of maturity - that these moments can also be moments to strengthen the will and also as opportunities to move higher in life. I am sure that Tripura University, with its motto - "Pursuit of Excellence" has been able to instill that sense in its students and faculty.

I convey my best wishes to all.

Thank you. 
Jai Hind.