Speech by Her Excellency the President of India, Shrimati Pratibha Devisingh Patil at the Reception Hosted by the Ambassador of India for the Indian Community and Friends of India at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia : 27-Jul-2011

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am delighted to be here in Mongolia, the land of the "Blue Skies", and for the opportunity to interact with Indian friends of Mongolia and Mongolian friends of India. At the outset I would like to place on record the important role the small Indian community in Mongolia is playing in carrying forward our bilateral relations step-by-step on a daily basis. You represent the face, spirit and soul of India in Mongolia. At the same time, I would like to pay tribute to the Mongolian friends of India, who have opened their hearts to my country and the people of India. You are the present day torch-bearers of this age-old relationship between our peoples and our two countries.
I look forward to my meetings with the leadership of Mongolia to discuss the current status, and the future prospects of our multifaceted partnership, which naturally is to our mutual benefit. We are determined to preserve what we have; yet move on towards co-operation in new areas of partnership. India will focus on the ways and means to impart more economic content to our relationship and to see how India can play a more dynamic role in the core strengths of the Mongolian economy for example in coal and steel.
We are proud to see that Mongolia cherishes and upholds its democratic credentials, sending a loud and clear message to the region and the world beyond, that democracy is the ideal platform to provide for the welfare of its citizens. I congratulate Mongolia for assuming the Chair of the Community of Democracies. As a Parliamentary democracy, India assures Mongolia of all support as it provides leadership to this group. As two sister democracies we have a lot in common, and a lot to share with the world.
An old Mongol proverb says "Supreme treasure is knowledge". This sentiment appropriately marks our centuries old traditional relationship, which has been a transaction of ideas primarily through the vehicle of Buddhism in the past. Here, I recall one such great son of India who was much revered in Mongolia. The Kashmiri monk Namu and his brother came to Mongolia during the reign of gedie Khan in the early decades of the 13th Century AD. Later, he was appointed as Guo-shi the State preceptor, or what we know in India as Rajguru. He was given a jade seal to administer Buddhist affairs. He was much honored at the Mongolian court.
In a more contemporary context, we seek to connect with Mongolia through what I call the 3 Es i.e. Enterprise, Economics and Education. In today's milieu, I see a responsibility for all assembled here, as you are the people who interact on a regular basis and propel India-Mongolia relations. You are the vehicle, the via-media to take the relationship forward, to provide the relationship content, substance and meaning. I congratulate all of you for the initiative you have taken to organize yourself as part of the 'India Club'. I am sure that with concerted action, your efforts in fostering close and friendly India-Mongolia relations will go a long way. My Government, through the Embassy of India in Mongolia, is happy to provide all possible assistance, to see the success of your efforts to promote our bilateral relationship.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Indian economy has recorded high rates of growth on a sustained basis since our process of economic reforms began. India is among the most attractive destinations globally for doing business. Several Indian companies have expanded their global presence in various sectors across the world, including here in Mongolia. One of the important tasks in which all of us are engaged, is to see how the economic dynamism of India, and Asia in general, can be harnessed to benefit our peoples and raise their living standards. It is in this context that I see the future of India-Mongolia relations. By cooperation and sharing, we can leverage our strengths and capabilities and provide opportunities to our peoples to realize their true potential.
Before I end, may I say that I am confident that my visit will provide additional impetus and momentum, towards expanding the scope of our ever expanding bilateral co-operation. I am certain that my compatriots in Mongolia will also serve as Ambassadors of India, and pursue excellence in whatever field they choose to, and be a source of pride for India and benefit to Mongolia. I also thank our friends from Mongolia for their abiding friendship and goodwill towards India, and I would like to assure them that we in India fully and substantively reciprocate your sentiments.
To all of you present today and your families, I convey my good wishes. I would urge that each one of you continue to work hard, as you have done so far, towards preserving, nurturing, promoting and strengthening the enduring friendship that exists between India and Mongolia.
Thank you.