President to Open Rashtrapati Bhavan’s “udyanotsav” on February 13, 2015
Rashtrapati Bhavan : 11-02-2015
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee will open the annual "Udyanotsav” of Rashtrapati Bhavan onFebruary 13, 2015(Friday) at 1630 hrs.
The world famousMughalGardenswill remain open for general public fromFebruary 14toMarch 15, 2015between 0930 hrs to 1600 hrs. Members of the public will also be able to visit theSpiritualGarden,Herbal Garden,BonsaiGardenandBio- diversityParkwithin the Estate. The Garden would be closed for maintenance everyMonday.
The main attraction of this year’s Udyanotsav are Tulips which have been in bloom since the last week of January, 2015. About 10,000 Tulips in vivid colors of red, orange and yellow mixed with red, pink, purple and white are expected to bloom in phases up to 10thMarch, 2015. The Tulips have been grown this year in earthen pots as well as several beds in the Rectangular andCircularGardens.
Roses are central to the fame ofMughalGardensand a permanent feature throughout the year.The garden has more than 120 celebrated varieties of roses.The prime bloom is in February-March.The special roses include Green Rose and Angelique.40 fragrant varieties include Belami, Black Lady, Double Delight,EiffelTower, Granada, Jadis, Mr. Lincoln, Sadabahar, Taj Mahal etc.Oklahoma(often called Black Rose) and Bonne Nuit are almost black in colour.Paradise, Blue Moon and Lady X are blue in colour.
The Gardens includes roses named Mother Teresa, Arjun, Bhim, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Jawahar and Dr. B.P. Pal.Roses with names of international celebrities include John F. Kennedy, Queen Elizabeth, Mr. Lincoln and Montezuma.
Other rose varieties worth mentioning are Christian Dior, Happiness, Century Two, First Prize, Kiss of Fire, Iceberg andGranada.
Unlike other gardens which grow a limited variety of roses but in large masses, theMughalGardenfeatures a large range of rose varieties in one place.
Flower Carpets in magnificent designs will also be on display in the Central Lawns revealing the skill and craft of the gardeners of Rashtrapati Bhavan. The dominant color scheme of this year’s ornamental flowers is yellow, red and orange.
As in previous years, a small cactus corner is part of theMughalGardensdisplay. Visitors and plant lovers will be able to see a newly developed Lotus pond in theSpiritualGarden. An Exhibition Stall will also showcase organic fresh vegetables and fruits grown in the President Estate Organic Farm or the Dalikhana.Flowering and other house plants are placed along a vertical wall in theLongGardenin order to use less land and soil.
Videos on Rashtrapati Bhavan and on the current Presidency will also be screened in a Rest room near Gate No. 35 for visitors.
Entry and exit for the general public will be from Gate No. 35 of the President’s Estate, close to whereNorth Avenuemeets Rashtrapati Bhavan. Visitors are requested not to bring any water bottles, briefcases, handbags/ladies purses, cameras, radios/transistors, umbrellas, eatables etc.
The Mughal Gardens will be kept open onMarch16, 2015(Monday) exclusively for farmers, differently abled persons including visually challenged persons, defence, para-military forces and police personnel.TheHerbalGarden( TactileGarden) will be open for visually challenged people from 1100 hrs. to 1600 hrs on the same day.Their entry will be from Gate No. 12, situated onChurch Road(opposite to theNorth Avenue).
This release issued at 1700 hrs.