Visit To Prayas Jaipur

Jaipur : 30-03-2007

Seven Point Oath for People with Special Abilities

1. I will not allow my special abilities to come in the way of my progress. 
2. I will work hard, and when the problem occurs, I will defeat the problem and succeed. 
3. I will try to excel in every field by acquiring knowledge. 
4. I will assist other members who are having similar disabilities by sharing knowledge and helping them to gather courage to overcome their problems due to disability. 
5. I shall always keep my home, my surroundings, neighbourhood and environment clean and tidy. 
6. I will always celebrate the success of my colleagues and friends. 
7. We are all God's children, our minds are stronger than diamond. We will win, win, win with our mighty will. When God is with us, who can be against!

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam