Interaction With the Scientists of Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, 11 November 2006
NEW DELHI : 11-11-2006
I am delighted to interact with the faculty, space scientists and research students of Physical Research Laboratory (PRL). You must be proud working in this great institution. There are many challenges that await you. My special greetings to every one of you. When I am with you today, I would like to discuss on the topic ??Vision of Physical Research Laboratory?.
All of you know, in history, any country revolves itself initially around a few stout, earnest and knowledge giants. Particularly I took interest to study lives of three scientists, as I was interested in their scientific technological leadership qualities that focused the relationship of S&T and development of the nation. In the history of India, there may be many but I was very close to these three great personalities for one way or other. They are founders of three great institutions. I worked in two of the institutions directly and one in partnership. Dr DS Kothari, a Professor in Delhi University was an outstanding Physicist and also an Astrophysicist. He is well known for ionization of matter by pressure in cold compact objects like planets. This theory is complementary to thermal ionization word done by Dr Meghnad Saha his guru. Dr DS Kothari set a scientific tradition in Indian defence tasks when he became Scientific Adviser to Defence Minister in 1948; He created a Board of Advisors to the Scientific Advisor consisting of Dr. H.J. Bhaba, Dr. K.S. Krishnan and Dr. S.S. Bhatnagar. Later the Board was renamed as Scientific Advisory Board with enlarged membership.
Prof Kothari realized that the main purpose of Defence Science Organisation was to serve the immediate and long term needs of the users. He repeatedly stressed the vital needs for the scientist ? soldier partnership. He made efforts to establish rapport with the chiefs of the three services. In spite of the deferring ethos of the academic environment Prof Kothari was able to establish extremely cordial relations with his Senior Service Officers at all levels who belonged to the highly disciplined hierarchical structure of the Armed Forces. In the first phase Prof Kothari identified the following eight disciplines for development: Operational Research & Ballistics, Explosives & Armaments, Rockets & Missiles, Naval technology, Engineering, Food & Life Sciences and problems posed by special adverse environment in the operational men and material. I would like to mention here some of these disciplines are relevant and functioning even today. Now I would like to mention two instances of how Prof Kothari applied his expertise in astrophysics to solve problems specific to defence. The first relates to the physics of ?Hollow charge? or ?shaped charge?.
When such a hollow charge is initiated by a suitable detonator the advancing shock wave makes the liner material to collapse conically axially and a very high velocity jet of the order of 7000 to 8000 m/s is formed. When this high velocity jet impinges on the armour it generates a pressure of the order of a million atmospheres. Under the circumstances the penetration becomes hydro-dynamic and results in penetration of a few charge diameters. This was approximately 3 diameters at the end of world war II. Today, with fuller understanding of the factors affecting penetration and with more powerful explosives like RDX and HMX, designs are available where a penetration of 10 charge diameters has been obtained.
Today we have several computer codes based on 2 and 3 dimensional analysis to predict the penetration capacity. But in the early 50s the theoretical understanding was inadequate. It was Prof Kothari who applied his theory of pressure ionization in condensed matter to the case of the Munroe jet, leading to a better understanding of the phenomenon of armour penetration.
The second relates to the fragmentation of bombs and shells on explosion. He showed that the same statistical theory can be applied, whether it be random fragmentation in star formation or the mass distribution of shrapnel from an exploding shell.
He established the Defence Science Centre to do research in electronic material, nuclear medicine and ballistic science. He is considered as the architect of defence science in India. His race continued and followed up with momentum working and contributing in the areas of strategic systems, electronic warfare systems, armaments and life sciences.
Now, let me discuss about Homi Jehangir Bhabha . He did research in theoretical physics in Cambridge University. During 1930-1939, Homi Bhabha carried out research relating to cosmic radiation. In 1939, he joined Sir CV Raman in IISc Bangalore. Later, he was asked to start Tata Institute of Fundamental Research with focus on nuclear science, mathematical science and established Atomic Energy Commission in 1948. Multi centers were born with his vision in nuclear science to nuclear technology, nuclear power, nuclear devices and nuclear medicine. These science institutions established multi technological centers, but basic science is the vital component.
Prof Vikram Sarabhai, the youngest of the three, worked with Sri CV Raman in experimental cosmic rays. Prof Sarabhai established Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad with Space research as focus. In later years, he became the Director of Space Science and Technology Centre (SSTC). The SSTC (1963) started with launching sounding rockets for space atmospheric research. Prof. Vikram Sarabhai unfurled the space mission for India in 1970 that we should build Satellite Launch Vehicle capability, to put our communication satellites in the geo-synchronous orbit and remote sensing satellites in the polar orbit. Also, he envisaged that launch vehicles built in India should be launched from Indian soil. This one visionary thought led to intensive research in multiple fields of science and space technology. Many of us had the fortune to be part of Prof. Vikram Sarabhai's vision. Myself and my team participated in India's first satellite launch vehicle programme to put the satellite in the orbit. Today, India with her 16,000 scientific, technological and support staff in multiple space research centres, supported by about 500 industries and academic institutions, has the capability to build any type of satellite launch vehicle to place remote sensing, communication and meteorology satellites in different orbits and space application has become part of our daily life. Dear friends, you have seen how visionaries of a nation bring about economic transformation and technological change. I would like you to emulate these visionaries, dream and work for transforming India into a developed nation.
These three Indian scientists, all of them physicists, started physics research institutions that blossomed into defence technology, nuclear technology and space technology. When I study deep into their knowledge and the vision, I believe they would have realized that science has to be pushed to political leaders. It is essential that technologies that give immediate benefits to the people directly or indirectly should be packaged and successfully put with our Indian political systems irrespective of which party they belonged. The three great institutions emerged with 20,000 scientists spread in institutions all over the country. Another important message conveyed by these three scientists is that basic science is very vital for growth of technology and growth of scientific technological leaders. Now let me come to the role of PRL for meeting the challenges of the nation.
PRL with it vision of excellence in basic sciences and its resolve to apply scientific methodologies for society at large can specifically look at certain pressing problems faced by the country. I would specifically suggest PRL to focus on resource crunches on our planet, study or exploitation of resources in moon and mars, understanding of prediction earth quake and much better understanding of weather/climate phenomena. Now, I would like to mention a few areas of vital importance of research that are of national and international relevance.
Some of the key challenges I see for the PRL community include exploring the other side of the moon, probing for extinct/extant life in other parts of solar system, sensitive detection technique for identification of earth-like planets, Cause effect relationship in Space weather, ionospheric/atmospheric distortion of signals from space, impact of aerosols on local climate, cosmology in the early stages of the universe. I believe the various observatories in our country could be networked for the benefit of all the scientists of the country and for collaboration with international scientists.
In many places in our planet, we experience severe earthquakes resulting in loss of life, loss of wealth and in some cases it destroys the decades of progress made by the country and its valuable civilizational heritage. India has earthquake problems periodically in certain regions. During my visit abroad, I found serious research in Iceland, Ukraine and Russia by young scientists. It is essential India has to work on mission mode research for forecast the earthquake using multiple parameters using precursors such as pre-shock conditions, electromagnetic phenomena prior to final rupture and atmospheric and ionospheric anomalies. Earthquake is a sub terrain phenomenon and predicting this from space observations would be a great challenge. An Earthquake phenomenon in broader sense starts to produce some precursors before the final rupture, although this precursor generating pre-rupture stage is not usually regarded as part of an earthquake. The question is whether such precursor really exists or not. So-called pre-slip envisaged in the dynamic models of earthquake source is also a good theoretical possibility but its observation appears difficult. Precise geodetic measurement by GPS may succeed in the detection of the pre-slip. It seems that electromagnetic phenomena prior to final rupture may be promising.
According to new concepts earthquakes occur when the crust reaches a critical state, emission of electromagnetic signals before final rupture is theoretically plausible, notably in the ultra low frequency (ULF) range and very low frequency (VLF) range.
It is hoped that well organized electromagnetic monitoring may provide unique observational information on the pre-slips. Atmospheric/ionospheric anomalies still remains unresolved. Post earthquake disaster recovery, communication and damage assessment are also areas where space science and communication technology can quickly make its impact. I am sure radio scientists will definitely be keen to establish the co-relation between the occurrence of earthquake and the electromagnetic disturbances noticed in the specific region.
The quantum of rainfall in a particular area for a particular cloud condition within a specified duration is not being determined by the present monsoon prediction system. Recent heavy rains in Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad in our nation and Katrina hurricane in US has created enormous loss of life and property. This brings out the necessity for global monsoon research for determining intensity and quantum of rain in a particular cloud condition through a validated prediction system with detailed research. With this system scientists should be able to provide the information for the particular cloud condition, how much rain will come in what period through the use of Polorimetric radar.
Narendra Sahu, Research Scholar
1. Can we turn India into a developed country from a developing country when a good fraction of the people does not have access to formal education? What role basic science can play in this regard?
Ans. One of the key elements of development itself is education at levels. Both at the level of the nation and at state levels reaching near 100% literacy before 2012 is the goal. Parallely capacity building at all levels is also vital. We need to use modern tools to accelerate the process. For example the Human Resource Developement Ministry, last week has launched the SAKSHAT programme which is an internet based e-learning tool available free to all the students and as an aid to teachers.
Suresh, Research Scholar
2. Science for the Nation appears to be a policy of the Government. Does not this reduce our competence vis--vis international research in basic sciences?
Ans. For accelerated development, Science and Technology are crucial. All policies are directed to provided to give impetus to this goal. However there is no contradiction in promoting good basic sciences since they are long term investment for the nation and planet earth
Nagar, Research Scholar
3. What is your opinion about the enrolment in University education which is percentage-wise much less than any other Asian countries? I am propagating a global resource cadre which envisages progressive increase in percentage of higher education to fifty by 2050 on the existing 8-9 percent. Also the other fifty percent of the youth will have international quality vocational skills which has market world wide.
Vivek, Research Scholar
4 Do you think our society in general demotivates rational thinking right from the childhood? What should we do to prevent it? In the primary education instead of telling answer the child should allowed to find the answer by exploring. This comes out of innovative teaching methods by allowing the child to learn by doing. Revision of the syllabus, training of teachers, training of parents, changes in mind sets and utilization of modern tools all will contribute to this process.
Vimal Kishore, Research Scholar
5. Keeping in mind the increasing political influence on who should get concession for pursuing higher education, do you think that quality of higher education may suffer?
Ans. Ways and means are being found to increase the capacity in our education system. This along with provision of hassle free loans for higher education, will ensure quality and opportunities for higher education to deserving candidates.
Shishir Purohit, Research Scholar
6. Ambitious space missions are planned for future, such as (i) Mission to Moon, Chandrayaan-1, in 2007 and 2011; (ii) Manned Space Mission in 2014.
Is there a hint of competition with China and are we trying to do things in a hurry?
There has been a logical evolution of Indian Space Programme in applications, space craft, launch vehicles and space sciences meeting the first vision of ensuring end to end capabilities in space science, technology and applications. With the capacity built, the next logical step is to go in for more and more challenging missions which would enhance and maintain the capabilities of the nation and meet the national goals.
Mahata, Research Scholar
7. In a democracy, is political point of view essential to impart scientific knowledge to society and derive its benefits or could it be a bottle-neck?
Ans. Imparting scientific knowledge to society will always be beneficial to a democratic society, since this will enable decisions to be taken after informed discussions and debates. The different disciplines should work together for common goals.
Ritesh Mishra
8. We are told that failure is a learning process; in your scientific life, did you have any such experience?
Ans. Yes, I had many experiences including few failures. Learning from them and applying the knowledge to future tasks is the sign of maturity and growth.