Address at the Second Convocation of the North Orissa University

Baripade : 15-05-2003

Convergence of Technologies

I am indeed delighted to be in your midst today and to address the second convocation of the North Orissa University. I take this opportunity to congratulate all the young graduates for their success and their achievement. I greet the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor, Professors, lecturers, teachers and all the staff for their excellent contribution in shaping these young minds and contributing to the task of nation building. I am convinced, in the present competitive environment, it is the creative force unleashed by young minds such as yours, which needs to be harnessed in the cause of national development and prosperity.

I am very happy to see all the young students assembled here. You are also the driving force of the future and you are the ones who will make the impossible possible. Success can only come to you by sweat, creative thought and performance. I am sure your stay and studies at this newly established North Orissa University has provided you not only with the skills to face the world, but it has also given you a higher understanding of the finer points which make our country great. I am very happy to see that this University established by the State Government of Orissa by allotting 100 acres of land. It is only with the generous and active assistance of the State Government that a University, which has been set up in this remote area of the country, can be built up to high standards.


Mayurbhanj is rich in archaeological sites and many tools of prehistoric cultures have been discovered in and around this area. The Simlipal Hills with their scenic beauty, the lush green valleys, the streams and rivulets cascading down the hills have captivated man since time immemorial. It is therefore very apt that this fledgling North Orissa University has been set up at such a pristine location. I am sure it provides a stimulating and challenging environment for the students to undertake their studies.

Bio Diversity - Technology Prosperity Matrix

One of the core competences of India is Bio Diversity. Bio Diversity and technology combined will yield value added products. In biodiversity, few countries like INDIA, CHINA, BRAZIL, INDONESIA, and MEXICO are very rich. Technology is needed for developing a genetically engineered seed or transforming a molecule extracted from the herb into a drug. Today technologically advanced nations in this field are USA, JAPAN, FRANCE, GERMANY and UK. What is needed is high productivity in farming, biodiversity material and technology integrated. There are some regions in desert nations where biodiversity and tech are poor. Today there is no nation having rich bio-diversity and high technology together. Therefore the challenge is Integration of technological best and abundant biodiversity of India.

Value Addition

India is rich in herbs, germ plasm and micro organisms. Industrially developed countries are importing these bio-resources in the raw forms and add value to them for export to developing countries including India as special seeds, medicines and bio-materials, fully protecting patents of these products. Instead of allowing export of such resources and importing value added products at high cost, India must add its own technology for conversion of such resources to value added products for use in domestic requirement and also for export. It is therefore very heartening to note that the North Orissa University has started postgraduate courses under self-financing schemes of tribal studies, biotechnology, wildlife and conservation biology, environmental sciences, information technology and management etc. I find that since the tribal districts of Mayurbhanj and Keonjhar are rich in mineral deposits, there is enough scope for students to undertake studies and research in the areas of mineralogy, environmental sciences, forestry, wildlife, ethno botany, biotechnology and anthropology etc. The University should also endeavor to bring about a fine blend of tribal and nontribal cultures here so that we can have a synthesis of the rich and diverse cultural and historical heritage of this region. The University should also endeavor to promote the social and economic well-being of this region by conducting research and by holding seminars and conferences to highlight the unique aspects of the people and the areas of this region and also to provide a bridge between the people of this area and that of the more advanced neighbouring regions. In short, the University should act as a guardian angel of the sociocultural streams of this region.

Economic Growth in different societies

During the last century, the world has undergone a change from agriculture society, where manual labour was the critical factor, to industrial society where the management of technology, capital and labour provided the competitive advantage. Then the information era was born in the last decade, where connectivity and software products are driving the economy of a few nations. In the 21st century, a new society is emerging where knowledge is the primary production resource instead of capital and labour. Efficient utilisation of this existing knowledge can create comprehensive wealth of the nation and also improve the quality of life - in the form of better health, education, infrastructure and other social indicators. Ability to create and maintain the knowledge infrastructure, develop knowledge workers and enhance their productivity through creation, growth and exploitation of new knowledge will be the key factors in deciding the prosperity of this Knowledge Society. Whether a nation has arrived at a stage of knowledge society is judged by the way the country effectively deals with knowledge creation and knowledge deployment in all sectors like IT, Industries, Agriculture, Health Care etc.,

While laying stress on our historical and cultural ties, we should also understand that the need of the hour is our technological excellence especially in the areas of critical technologies. In case India is to have a rapid economic growth, in that case the main thrust should be on the development of indigenous technologies. Our system of education and skill generation can best performed in record time to make India into a developed country only by the proper application of various forms of new technologies. For example, the area of information technology has suited our skill and knowledge levels to a great extent. As a result of this, India has been able to do fairly well in this field. However, we should also seek out newer areas of the future in which we could put our skills and knowledge management to full advantage. With a proper mindset and with the proper utilisation of the great opportunities, which are opening up, we shall be able to play a leading role in the great socio-economic transformation which is taking place in our country as well as in the whole world. Our human capital is one of our biggest assets. We have one of the world's largest pools of scientists and engineers and in case we are able to provide them with the necessary skills and tools to compete in an ever competitive world, I'm sure you would have done your bit for our country.

Convergence of Technologies

As the North Orissa University has rightly a syllabus for Post Graduate education in bio-technology and also studies on tribals. It is very import when teaching enrich research, research is enriched by teaching. Hence, I expect the University professors and teachers to visualize a situation, that is convergence of technologies. The information technology and communication technology have already converged leading to Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Now, nano-technology is knocking at our doors. It is the field of the future that will replace micro electronics and many fields with tremendous application potential in the filed of medicine, electronics and material science. When nano technology and ICT meet, an integrated silicon electronics, photonics is born and it can be said that material convergence will happen. When communication technology integrated silicon electronics, photonics and sensors converges, we find radio chip and intelligent roaming. When biological science added with radiology, super humans will emerge. That means enhanced human beings. Future, there will be nothing like an exclusive subject like bio technology, information technology or robotics science. They all try to converge. Better this University is aware of the trends of the future so that we prepare the students and the research areas in the most useful and profitable way.

The Vision for the nation

After 50 years of progress, the aspirations are mounting that India should become a developed country. This is the second vision for the nation. How we can prepare ourselves to this challenge?

To become a developed India, the essential needs are (a) India has to be economically and commercially powerful, at least to be one of the four top nations in terms of size of the economy. Our target should be a GDP growth of 9% annually and that the people below poverty line to be reduced to near zero. (b) near self-reliance in defence needs of weapon, equipment with no umbilical attached to any outside world. (c) India should have a right place in world forums. Technology Vision 2020 is a pathway to realise this cherished mission.

We have identified five areas where India has a core competence for an integrated action. (1) Agriculture and food processing - we have to put a target of 360 million tons of food and agricultural production. Other areas of agriculture and agro food processing would bring prosperity to rural people and speed up the economic growth. (2) Reliable and quality electric power for all parts of the country. (3) Education and Healthcare - we have seen, based on the experience, education and healthcare are inter related. (4) Information Communication Technology - This is one of our core competence. We believe, this area can be used to promote education in remote areas and also to create national wealth. (5) Strategic sectors - This area, fortunately, witnessed the growth in nuclear technology, space technology and defence technology. Other areas like Advanced Sensors and Materials would need a push. The nation has a plan towards 70% near self-reliance in a decade in defence equipment.

These five areas are closely inter-related and would lead to national, food, and economic security. A strong partnership among the R&D, academy, Industry and the community as a whole with the Government departments will be essential to accomplish the vision.

Knowledge powered PURA (Providing Urban amenities in Rural Areas)

Providing Urban amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) is another example for creating rural wealth and prosperity. The model envisages a habitat designed to improve the quality of life in rural places and makes special suggestions to remove urban congestion also. Naturally our most demanding urban problem is that of congestion removal and efficient supply of water and effective waste disposal in every locality are the paramount civic needs. There is a minimum size below which a habitat is not viable and not competitive with the existing congested city. At the same time, the existing congested city is not economical compared to a new town once a minimum size of expansion is crossed. As against a conventional city say, rectangular in shape and measuring approximately 10 km by 6 km, the model considers an annular ring-shaped town integrating minimum 8 to 10 villages of the same 60 km2 area. This model provides easy access to villages, saves transportation time and cuts costs substantially and is more convenient for general public. Knowledge powered rural development is an essential need for transforming India into a knowledge power and high bandwidth rural connectivity is the minimum requirement to take education, health care and economic activities to the rural areas. Knowledge society leading to knowledge super power can prosper and survive only in the environment of economic security and internal security. Physical connectivity by providing roads, electronic connectivity by providing reliable communication network and knowledge connectivity by establishing professional institutions and vocational training centers will have to be done in an integrated way so that economic connectivity will emanate. Such Model of establishing a circular connectivity among the rural village complexes will accelerate rural development process by empowerment.

In all our attempts, we need the drive and initiative of young people like all of you who are graduating today. Yours is a fledgling University I can see. However, you have enormous potential both in your manpower as well as in your natural surroundings. It is therefore up to all of us, to ensure that we make the best use of our facilities and our natural endowments to see that the University develops, the state develops and so does the nation.


The next 20 year period, I consider, is a period of technological transformation of India. I anticipate new emerging economic and technical situations where there will be many new technologies which can help us develop. India is now standing at the gate of the knowledge society and with our skill development in the field of information technology what we need is a little bit of an entrepreneurial push and an increase in our competitiveness. With these tools we will be prepared to take on the new trends as in the case of Internet and with minimal government interference and support and wee can hold our head high and stand amongst the internationally developed countries of the world. My experience of working has shown that we need role models who will ignite the minds of the young people. My appeal to all the teachers the lecturers the professors and the staff of this University is that you have a key role to play in the development of the minds and vision of these young leaders of today. They look up to you as role models for their future and if we are successful in igniting their minds, we would have done a great service not only for this university but also for the state as well as for the nation. In this gathering in front of me today I can see a virtual image of India with all its myriad forms. The colourful tribal culture, the simple and pristine surroundings, and the cultural pageantry of the area have really sent happy feeling in my mind. I get an impression that the Indian mind has begun to get ignited and with an ignited mind I'm sure that he can move the most powerful forces on the earth, under the earth and above the earth.

My best wishes to all of you.