Address At The Golden Jubilee Celebrations Of Udayachal Schools And Interaction With The Students

Mumbai : 18-11-2004

Creativity and the Young

I am delighted to participate in the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of Udayachal Schools. I greet the Principal, teachers, students and other distinguished guests. I was thinking what thoughts I can share on this occasion. I would like to share my experience with a eleven year old girl who came to Rashtrapati Bhavan on 28th July 2004. Her name is Miss Darshana Prakasam and her parents belong to Erode, Tamil Nadu. She is presently studying in USA in class VII. Even though she is being educated in United States she is fluent and proficient in Tamil, her mother tongue. She is a confident girl and has made a self-assessment of herself. She sums up her characteristics as passionate, outgoing, patient, innovative, organized and determined. She has written a number of poems. At present she is keen to take up a project to provide quality education to our rural children. She is confident of motivating other children to join her in this mission and mobilize funds required for this project. According to her a leader should have the following fourteen traits: (a) honesty (b) optimism (c) determination (d) looking beyond (e) judgment (f) problem solving (g) courage (h) being concise (i) collaboration (j) stimulating (k) assisting (l) fervour (m) public speaking & (n) organization.

Darshana wants to be the co-ordinator of the children education programme and she says she will decide what will be taught and how it should be taught. Apart from executing all-important decisions of the programme she would like to oversee the teaching by the volunteers. She proposes to mobilize a number of volunteers with teaching ability to teach the children both in urban and rural areas. Once the children are taught she proposes to use the same children to educate other children in the village. This programme will mainly be targeted to those children in small towns and villages who do not have access to learning leadership skills and are not in a position to exercise their maximum potential. She feels that learning leadership skills is not as easy as learning arithmetic and literature. I am sharing with you this example so that many of you can emulate this model and can become leaders like Darshana Prakasam in many fields. Apart from excelling in studies such as science, mathematics, social sciences and languages you have to become leaders with some of the qualities mentioned by Darshana Prakasam. I am sure your principal and teachers will help you in realizing this goal.

Now I would like to discuss with you the Marvels of the Universe.

Marvels of the Universe

Vikrant Nahal Arya of Sanskriti School and Rupanjali Lahiri of St Thomas School, New Delhi, had a personal interaction with me at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Among many questions during the interaction, they asked me a very simple question, which led me to think. The question was: " Your birthday has recently gone by. What were your thoughts on that day?." They wanted to know what my birthday meant to me. It meant for me that I had completed 72 orbit around the sun, and had entered my 73rd orbit. Think of our Universe. I am amazed and always inspired by the dynamics of our universe. Our star (sun), its planets, every celestial object has a purpose. If the Earth stopped rotating around its axis, what would happen? No day, No Night, No Earth. If Sun does not orbit, the entire solar system collapses. Think of it. The sun also orbits around the Milky Way. Isn't it? It takes the Sun 250 million years for one orbit around Milky Way, our galaxy. Compare that to my 73rd orbit. What does that mean? One single citizen completing 72 orbit. It is an insignificant event, compared to dynamics of universe. But human mind is innovative and can think and explore the marvels of universe.

The cross section of people of young age group have inspired mind to make the nation great. A study of the Marvels of Universe and seeing individuals like Darshana Prakasam will definitely enhance the inspiration and enthusiasm in all of you. This inspiration is a big force and the teachers and parents can ignite the youngsters. All that they need is to give them a challenging task and help them when they encounter problem.

Now I would like to talk to you about my primary school teacher who inspired me to take up Aeronautics as a profession.

My Primary School teacher Shri Siva Subramania Iyer

When I think of my primary teacher, I am reminded of my childhood days. While I was in 5th class at the age of 10, I had a teacher, Siva Subramania Iyer. He was one of the very good teachers in our school. All of us loved to attend his class and hear him. One day he was teaching about bird's flight. He drew a diagram of a bird on the blackboard depicting the wings, tail and the body structure with the head. He explained how the birds create the lift and fly. He also explained to us how they change direction while flying. Nearly for 25 minutes he gave the lecture with various information such as lift, drag, how the birds fly in a formation of 10, 20 or 30. At the end of the class, he wanted to know whether we understood how the birds fly. I said, I did not understand how the birds fly. When I said this, the teacher asked the other students whether they understood or not. Many students said that they also did not understand. He did not get upset by our response since he was a committed teacher.

Our teacher said that he would take all of us to the sea shore. That evening the whole class was at the sea shore of Rameswaram. We enjoyed the roaring sea waves knocking at the sandy hills in the pleasant evening. Birds were flying with sweet chirping. He showed the sea birds in formations of 10 to 20 numbers. We saw the marvelous formations of birds with a purpose and we were all amazed. He showed us the birds and asked us to see that when the birds fly, what they looked like. We saw the wings flapping. He asked us to look at the tail portion with the combination of flapping wings and twisting tail. We noticed closely and found that the birds in that condition flew in the direction they desired. Then he asked us a question, where the engine is and how it is powered. Bird is powered by its own life and the motivation of what it wants. All these things were explained to us within fifteen minutes. We all understood the whole bird dynamics from this practical example. How nice it was? Our teacher was a great teacher; he could give us a theoretical lesson coupled with a live demonstration available in nature. This is real teaching. I am sure many of the teachers in schools and colleges will follow this example.

For me, it was not merely an understanding of how birds fly. The bird?s flight entered into me and created a special feeling. From that evening, I thought that my future study has to be with reference to flight and flight systems. I am saying this because my teacher's teaching and the event that I witnessed decided my future career. Then one evening after the classes, I asked the teacher, "Sir, please tell me, how to progress further in learning all about flight." He patiently explained to me that I should complete 5th class, and then go to high school, and then I should go to engineering college that may lead to education on flight. If I complete all my education with excellence, I might do something connected with flight sciences. This advice and the bird flying exercise given by my teacher, really gave me a goal and a mission for my life. When I went to college, I took Physics. When I went to engineering in Madras Institute of Technology, I took Aeronautical Engineering.

Now I would like to answer some of the questions asked by you.

1. Why has the Government withdrawn the mid-day meals scheme from Government schools after the disaster at Kumbakonam, instead of making sure that adequate safety measures are implemented in schools?

- Azim Madon (IXEA)

Ans: This is a temporary measure. Details have to be worked out for ensuring safety in all the operations of the school. Once this is done things will become normal.

2. Can't we eliminate poverty from this world if part of the Money allocated for defence purposes in the world is spent for the well being of poor people? What is your opinion on this.

- Nirvana Khushalani (VIIIED)

Ans: The essential defense expenditure should not be diverted for any other purpose. We should simultaneously find funds for rural prosperity which will ultimately eliminate the poverty. These two have to be carried out together. We cannot carry out development peacefully unless the defense forces ensure the security of our borders.

3. Though we have the largest pool of scientists, engineers and graduates in the world we also have the highest rate of illiteracy in India. Shouldn?t education at all levels be made compulsory and available to the masses?

- Priya Biji (VEA)

Ans. Assent has been accorded for the 86th Constitution Amendment Act ? Right to Education Bill for children between the age group of 5 and 14 years. Urgent action is needed for providing suitable school infrastructure and appointment of good teachers for running the schools for providing quality education to the children. I have recently seen two models (a) M.R. Raju Model and (b) the Azim Premji Model. These two models aim at preventing the schools dropout by providing creative education to the children. Also, Azim Premji Model aims at accelerating the learning process through the use of technology.

4. How will river linking projects solve the problem of water scarcity in different states and will it create any imbalance in nature?

- Nasreen Shaikh (XEE)

Ans. As you are aware our large country faces drought and flood simultaneously. Even this year we have floods in Bihar and north-east and no rains in central and north-west region. This situation can be corrected through the linking of rivers. The imbalance in nature has to be taken into account and sufficient funding should be catered for in promoting Afforestation as part of the project.

5. You have visited Godrej as a scientist with regard to work related to Aerospace. Are there any future plans to build missiles with Godrej collaboration? What will its name be?

- Aditya Bajaj (VEA)

Ans. Godrej is a partner in many Aerospace programmes. Brahmos, ADA and Department of Space are all working with Godrej even today with renewed vigour.

6. Do you make time from your busy schedule to play the veena?

- Nikhil Kadam (VIIIEB)

Ans. I do find some time to listen to Veena.

7. If Japan can rise up like a phoenix from the disaster of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to carve a niche for themselves in the progressive world, why can?t India tackle the problem of poverty, population explosion and inflation that is posing a threat to its developing economic status?

- Natasha Mahanty (IXED)

Ans. 54% of our population are youth. With this youth power I am confident that India will become a developed nation well before 2020.

8. I read in one of the magazines from my school library magazine your article where you have used the word `To Dream? often. Why have you expressed this word dream, when rarely come true?

- Reshma Kokane (VIIIEB)

Ans. Dream Dream Dream, Dream transform into thoughts, and thoughts result into action. To make it come true you have to work hard with perseverance.

9. When you were young did you ever imagine that you would be the President of India?

- Hanoz Chhoga (XED)

Ans. I wanted to become an aeronautical engineer.

10. Can you share some interesting incidents from your childhood?

- Melvin Goes (VIIED)

Ans.Once, the teacher caught me and my friend Ramanathan when he was taking the class. He admonished us and told us that when the train was moving you should jump into it, or you will miss the train. I cheekily replied to him that if one jumped into a running train, one would surely fall and get hurt. And for that I got beaten by the teacher.


1. I will pursue my education with dedication and I will excel in it.

2. I will teach at least 10 persons to read and write who at present cannot do so.

3. I will plant at least 10 saplings and shall ensure their growth through constant care.

4. I will visit rural and urban areas and permanently wean away at least 5 persons from addiction and gambling.

5. I will constantly endeavor to remove the pain of my suffering brethren.

6. I will not support any communal or language differentiation.

7. I will be honest and set an example for others to follow.

8. I will work for becoming an enlightened citizen.

9. I will always be a friend of the mentally and physically challenged and will work hard to make them feel normal, like the rest of us.

10. I will proudly celebrate the success of my country and my people.

I wish all of you success in your missions.

May God Bless You.