Address At The Asi Awards Function And Inauguration Of Nnrms Portal , Bangalore
Bangalore : 23-04-2007
I am indeed delighted to participate in the ASI award function and also inaugurate the National Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS) Portal. ASI awards are given for excellence in space science and technologies. My greetings to all the ASI awardees, the organizers, scientific community, users of space products and distinguished guests.
During my visit today, I had interacted with the Vice Chancellors who are the future users of EDUSAT. Later I saw the EDUSAT, INSAT-4A, and HAMSAT all getting ready for launch. This is one of the systems of the space application in communication. The other component is the application of space in remote sensing which will enable us to explore and utilize the resources of the earth. When I visited space laboratories, I also saw CARTOSAT-1 and preparation for other remote sensing satellites along with various technology packages. I appreciate the excellent work done by the ISRO team in partnership with industry and the academic institutions spread all over the country in all areas of Satellite, Launch Vehicle technologies and its applications.
NNRMS Portal services
Today?s inauguration of the NNRMS portal will provide knowledge connectivity to the users in various parts of our country, maximizing the use of Natural Resource information for management of natural resources; national development; environmental monitoring; disaster management support and empowering society by establishing and maintaining a national Natural Resources Repository. Also NNRMS has to be connected to Village Resource Centers to outreach to grass-root level, enabling information services for governance, citizens and commerce.
Contribution in meeting challenges
I still remember, in 1998, when India became a nuclear weapon state, the US companies had terminated the contract on joint development of flight control systems for LCA. How did we overcome the challenges of technological denial regime? We formed the national team for flight control system. With time bound mission mode project management, experts drawn from multiple organizations positioned as one single development team, we have achieved a remarkable development success. This type of technological denial inspires our scientific community and opens the door for faster development. Now when we see LCA flying, we are seeing our Indian aspirations of realization of the doctrine that ?We can do it?.
Convergence of Technologies
The national developmental challenges are many involving integrated action namely: Agriculture and Food Processing, Education and Health care, Information and Communication Technology, Infrastructure and self-reliance in critical technologies. As space technologists, you have the role to play in many areas like education, healthcare, disaster prevention & mitigation, e-governance, urban planning and RUPCON (Rural Prosperity through Connectivities).
The technologies are converging together to provide a quality of service (QOS) with the reduced infrastructural setup. The information technology and communication technology have already converged leading to Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Information Technology combined with bio-technology has led to bio-informatics. Now, Nano-technology is knocking at our doors. It is the field of the future that will replace microelectronics and many fields with tremendous application potential in the areas of medicine, electronics and material science. When Nano technology and ICT meet, integrated silicon electronics, photonics is born and it can be said that material convergence may happen. With material convergence and biotechnology linked, a new science called Intelligent Bioscience will be born which leads to a disease free, happy and more intelligent human habitat with longevity and high human capabilities.
Cluster of satellites for Remote Sensing and GPS
While ISRO has specialized in remote sensing satellite technology, it has to increase the number of satellites in polar orbit to reduce revisit time for the same location within 30 minutes. Of course over a period of time, India has the capability to launch multiple satellites with higher resolution cameras to meet this requirement. But, considering the varying climatic conditions in a large country and better utilization of Indian and foreign remote sensing satellites, it is essential to have an international partnership for orbiting cluster of satellites with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) capability. This will reduce the overall expenditure and time, giving maximum benefits at the earliest for both the partners. Similarly, we need a cluster of satellites for global positioning system. This will be possible with international partnership.
For the 21st century, particularly for the decade I visualize in the world scene, five major technological revolutions taking place in the sky:
1. Integration of multiple technologies of supersonic aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft to transform into an unmanned supersonic long-range and low radar cross section vehicles. This will replace manned fighter aircraft.
2. Hyperplane of payload capability of 12 to 15% of the take-off weight at the launcher.
3. Anti ballistic missile with its satellite network, to protect land and airspace, will become an integral part of the defence. This may give protection against nuclear weapons.
4. Supersonic cruise missiles will replace the current generation of subsonic cruise missiles. These missiles have low radar cross section and will be difficult to detect. It will also give very short reaction time capability.
5. Convergence of IT, bio-technology, space and nano technologies will emerge and revolutionize the aerospace and other fields of the future.
I wish the members of space community all success in their missions. May God Bless you.