AIR Address on Children's Day Second in the Series

New Delhi : 13-11-2003


Dear children of our nation and listeners of All India Radio, my greetings to all of you.

Earlier I talked to you on the eve of Teachers' Day and told you about the "Three Teachers" who shaped my life. Children's day which is Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's birth day is an occasion to celebrate the achievements of the young, lead them to their dreams and work for their realization. As you all know, I recently visited three countries - United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Asia, Sudan in Africa and Bulgaria in Europe. I would like to share with you, beautiful experiences of a visionary building a nation, mission of water and civilizational heritage.

Visionary can build a new nation

Dear children, my journey began with UAE. President Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan has been Ruler of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi since 1966, who played a major role in conceiving the federation and the UAE was formed in 1971. That time, you know it was just desert all around and camel was the preferred mode of transportation. The Emirate of AbuDhabi and the other states of UAE were poor and undeveloped with an economy based upon the traditional combination of fishing and pearl-diving along the coast. But eventually the world market for the Gulf's high quality pearls collapsed and made the pearl industry in UAE less lucrative. The nation could not rely completely on the pearl for its economic growth due to invention of cultured pearl by the Japanese.

But all this is history now and I saw a complete transformation when I entered UAE that is Abu Dhabi and later Dubai. I was very happy to see - 10 lane roads, modern transportation infrastructure, beautiful flora and fauna, mosques, factories, health centers, schools, swimming pools and a good livelihood for every citizen. This transformation in less than four decades is an outcome of the farsighted vision, innovative mind and guiding spirit of the great personality President Sheikh Zayed. He transformed the deserts into beautiful cities and livable villages with good telecommunication, transport connectivity, and very high per capita income. Similarly, Late Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Rashid executed numerous projects for establishing port, air and road connectivity as well as business and trade justifys with a steadfast belief that anything is possible. Dubai's transformation is the result of massive efforts driven by the vision of its rulers. Technology has played a major role in this transformation.

What made these two great souls of UAE to dream and have a vision? I got one answer, that these visionaries always loved their people. They liked to provide good life to their people through livable habitat, employment and good environment. For example, water is the most scarce commodity in the desert. Now I see everywhere water is flowing which is coming through the process of desalination of sea-water. I saw one of the largest desalination plants at Abu-Dhabi. In spite of desert condition, God has blessed them with oil and natural gas and energies drawn from the earth and a sea coast. Also the country has a small population (less than 4 million), equivalent to the population of Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh put together. These far-sighted visionaries utilized the oil and natural gas reserves for overall development of the UAE and also ensured that the benefit of the new wealth reaches out to the people. I am reminded of the Creator's Message which says, "God has created the human being with brain and thinking faculty. He has commanded His creation to use the faculty with reasoning to reach his image. This is the message of human life." Definitely, these two visionaries had thought big for enriching the life of their people by transforming a desert into a beautiful habitat. Let us see the contributions of Indian visionaries for our national development.

Indian visionaries

When I see the spectacular result of their vision for UAE, I am reminded of some of the visionaries who transformed India to build core competency in their respective fields using technology and innovative management as a tool. A political leader Mr. C. Subramaniam and an agricultural scientist Prof. M. S. Swaminathan in partnership with many scientists, administrators and farmers brought out the green revolution in the 60's. Otherwise, we would have continued to have ship to mouth existence in respect of food. During the same time, Dr. Verghese Kurian spearheaded the White Revolution to make India the world's largest producer of milk. Dr. Homi Bhabha led research and projects in nuclear energy, resulting in substantial advances in power generation, medicine, irradiation of vegetables and food and nuclear weapon etc.,

Prof. Vikram Sarabhai unfurled the space mission for India in 1970 that we should build Satellite Launch Vehicle capability, to put our communication satellites in the geo-synchronous orbit and remote sensing satellites in the polar orbit. Also, he envisaged that launch vehicles built in India should be launched from Indian soil. This one visionary thought led to intensive research in multiple fields of science and space technology. Many of us had the fortune to be part of Prof. Vikram Sarabhai's vision. Myself and my team participated in India's first satellite launch vehicle programme to put the satellite in the orbit. Today, India with her 20,000 scientific, technological and support staff in multiple space research centres, supported by about 300 industries and academic institutions, has the capability to build any type of satellite launch vehicle to place remote sensing, communication and meteorology satellites in different orbits and space application has become part of our daily life. Dear young friends, you have seen how visionaries of a nation bring about economic transformation and technological change. I would like you to emulate these visionaries, dream and work for transforming India into a developed nation.

Water belongs to humanity

My dear children, after UAE, I visited Sudan. Geographically Sudan is Africa's largest nation in area and it is historically influenced by Nile civilization. I could see the rivers Blue Nile and the White Nile coming from two different directions and joining at Khartoum, capital of Sudan. The confluence of these two tributaries into a single Nile constituted a vital communications link for the country and a source of water for agriculture and livelihood. The Blue Nile originates from Lake Tana in North-West Ethiopia and White Nile from Lake Victoria in Eastern-Central Africa. These Nile Rivers have enriched nine countries on its way to Egypt through Sudan. The sight of confluence of Nile tributaries led me to compose a poem - "Our mission is Water". I recited this poem in the National Assembly of Sudan where I was welcomed with "Allah O Akbar" (God is great) and "Halleluiah" (Praise ye Lord) which echoed in the entire hall. I would like to read the poem for you.

Our mission is water

My mother called me Blue Nile,

I am also named by mother White Nile.

When we grew and grew we asked,

Oh mother! Oh mother!

Tell us, why did you name us Nile.

Our mothers said lovingly, Oh our children!

You travel and travel,

Cross mountains, forests and valleys,

Thousands of miles, enriching nine countries,

you reach Khartoum.

You Blue and White Niles confluence with a mission,

God has commanded you to give a message,

You give a beautiful message.

When we rivers confluence,

Oh humanity! Why not your hearts confluence,

And you blossom with happiness.

Two Sudanese poets translated this poem in Arabic and even composed a tune for it and it was recited in various functions. Nile brings out a beautiful message for mankind that "Water is the property of mankind and not of any individual State or country." We also have many rivers in our country such as Ganges and Brahmaputra, which provide perennial source of water. When I saw the Nile confluence, I imagined the networking of rivers such as Bharamputra, Ganga, Narmada, Krishna, Godavari, Mahanadi, Cauvery, Vaigai, and Thamirabarani flowing through the entire nation as garland of networked rivers within the next two decades.

Subsequently, when I was interacting with a group of students in Khartoum, a 12-year old girl student from Khartoum, asked me, "Mr. President, why do you practice two religions?" I replied that I practice only one religion - universal brotherhood and love for mankind. Another student asked me, what is the core competence of India? I replied that India is a nation of billion people with diverse religions, cultures, languages. One of our great core competencies is that, India is able to give leadership to the billion people and bring unity in diversity. This is the universal message we can derive from the confluence of Blue Nile and White Nile. Our civilizational heritage has also taught me a similar message. I see it today mostly in every Indians heart and soul.

Civilizational Heritage

In the concluding phase of my journey, I visited Bulgaria. Geographically Bulgaria being situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia with amazing variety of landforms brought strong cultural influences from both East and West. I could see this integration when I met the members of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and also the Indologists of Sofia University. The Indologists were very much interested in studying Indian languages and Indian culture. One of the Indologists, Mr. Kalki, used Indian flute to play a melodious Bulgarian tune.

One of the Indology students of Sofia University said, "I am a student practicing Yoga. I read your book 'Wings of Fire'. I am keen to know from you about your experience with Swami Sivananda, which you have referred in the book" I narrated the incident which took place way back in 1957. I was ranked ninth in the Air force Selection results. But only eight candidates were commissioned. I knew that the days ahead would be difficult. I left Deharadun and reached Rishikesh on my way to Delhi. I took bath in the holy river Ganga and walked to Sivananda Ashram, which is situated a little away up the hill. I met Swami Sivananda - a man who looked like Buddha. I was struck by his irresistible child like smile and gracious manner. Before I could speak, he enquired about the source of my sorrow. I told him about my unsuccessful attempt to join the Air force and my long cherished desire to fly. His smile washed away all my anxiety and he said, "Desire, when it stems from the heart and spirit, when it is pure and intense, possesses awesome electro-magnetic energy. This energy is released into the ether each night, as the mind falls into the sleep state. Each morning it returns to the conscious state, reinforced with the cosmic currents. That which has been imaged, will surely and certainly be manifested. You can rely young man, upon this ageless promise as surely as you can rely upon the eternally unbroken promise of sunrise. So, defeat the defeatist tendencies." That was the unique interaction, I had with Swami Sivananda.

I also visited the National Museum of History which is one of the largest history museums on the Balkans with over five lakh objects and largest archaeological and historical archive. It contains material remains from ancient and mediaeval cultures in the Bulgarian Lands. I was amazed to see reminiscences and products which had been used before 5000 B.C. They buried their kith and kin with gold and silver. I also saw various forms of art and sculpture. It reminded me of our civilizational heritage. The interaction with the scientists and Indologists and the visit to National museum made me realize the scientific and cultural similarities, which unites the humanity.

Power of the mind

I was impressed and inspired when I visited the National Art Gallery in Bulgaria. There I saw an exhibition of paintings, mostly done by Bulgarian painters. I also saw 100th birth anniversary exposition of the famous Bulgarian artist Zlatju Bojadjiev. Hundreds of paintings were done by him using right hand. I was told that his right hand subsequently was paralyzed. But the indomitable spirit in him, made him paint using his left hand and these beautiful paintings were also displayed. That struck me, that constructive genius cannot be hampered by a physical defect, as the power comes from inside to make one to go ahead with the mission of his life.

Unity of minds

Most important event which I would like to share is the visit to a Christian Monastery in RILA located in the hills of Bulgaria. It is the biggest Bulgarian revival, spiritual and cultural centre with a 16,000 volume library including 134 manuscripts from 15th to 19th century. This holy site played an important role in the spiritual and social life of medieval Bulgaria. Destroyed by fire at the beginning of the 19th century, the complex was rebuilt later and is now surrounded by a big fort. While being in that divine environment amidst the Reverent Fathers aged between 80 and 90, I felt like praying. I went to the altar and asked permission of the Reverent Bishop to recite the part of the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. The prayer was repeated by all the people present in the Monastery.

The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace;

Where there is hatred let me sow love;

And where there is injury, pardon;

And where there is doubt, faith;

And where there is despair, hope;

And where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.

For it is in giving that we receive;

? it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

? and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

The silent message in this prayer was felt by the Reverent Bishop, who blessed me by saying "You work for world peace". My young friends, may this beautiful divine message of love, enlighten your life to work for universal peace.


Friends, I have seen, vision creating beautiful nation, rivers confluence giving a message of national integration and civilizational heritage conquering continental barriers.

So far, I have interacted with two lakh fifty thousand school children in different parts of our country. I also interacted with nearly 10,000 students in the three countries which I visited recently. My interaction with these children reveals that the aspirations of the young, whether in India or in other nations, are the same: that is to live in a peaceful, prosperous and secure nation. All of them are looking for challenging missions, good role models and leaders who can be their guiding spirit. A combination of knowledge, enthusiasm and hard work of the youth, is a great dynamic force available for the societal transformation. We belong to one society and we should work for the universal prosperity and world peace.