- Q.
Sir, the People Are Mislead Through Wrong and Sub Standard Advertisements Through T.v. And Other Medias. Can You Make Some Control on These So That the Young Generation Can Escape From the Clutches of the Selfish Motivated Business Men
Name: Reshmi V. R
Age: Not Available
Institution: Not Available
City: Not Available
- A.
It is true that foolish man can cause destruction. But God created human being he gave the Faculty to think what is right and what is wrong. I recall a saying of the year 1486 by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola an enlightened thinker God said : "We have made thee neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal, so that with freedom of choice and with honour, as though the maker and molder of thyself, thou mayest fashion thyself in whatever shape thou shalt prefer".