- Q.
India is a Land of Many Rivers and We Have the Potential and Manpower to Harness Tidal Energy to Its Maximum Potential. Can Projects Like Enron Help India Become Self Sufficient for Their Power Requirements?
Name: Aakash Lalni, Class XI
Age: Not Available
Institution: Delhi Public School
City: Ghaziabad
- A.
India has a coast extending upto 7500 kms and it is possible to build small power stations to generate power from tidal waves. Two pilot scale experiments are already in progress, one in Gujarat and the other in Kerala. India at present is producing one-lakh mega watts of energy. The main sources are hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear power plants are used for producing this energy. Our requirement of energy by 2020 will be three lakhs mega watts. This requirement has to be met through thorium based nuclear power plants, massive use of solar energy based power plants, power plant based on municipal solid waste and other conventional / renewable energy systems.