• Q.

    "Right Now, as Nobel Prize Winners Are Being Announced, It is Quite Disheartening That, We, the Indians Are Not Getting It, Since Long Time Back. What Are the Improvements That We Need to Bring About, in Premier Institutes Like Iisc, Regarding the Faculties as Well as Students, to Include Some Indians in the List of Nobel Laureates, in the Years to Come"

Name: Herojeet

Age: Not Available

Institution: IISc

City: Bangalore

  • A.

    The Institutions like IISc., should build the capacity for research, enquiry, creativity and promote the use of technology for learning by students. Once, these capacities are build the student must become an autonomous learner. The autonomous learner with the right type of motivation, I am sure will definitely bring forward inventions and discoveries which will make him and the country proud.

By A.P.J.Abdul Kalam