Address by the Hon’ble President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu on the Occasion of Interaction With the Officer Trainees of Indian Police Service of 74th Batch

Hyderabad : 27.12.2022

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I convey my heartiest congratulations to all the officer trainees. You all deserve high praise for your merit, proven by your getting into the much-respected service.

I will cherish my memories of this visit to the National Police Academy named after Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel whose very mention inspires every Indian. Nearly twelve years after independence, Dr. Rajendra Prasad had written, and I quote, "That there is today an India to think and talk about, is very largely due to Sardar Patel’s statesmanship and firm administration.” [Unquote]. I take this opportunity to re-emphasize, on behalf of all fellow citizens, our gratefulness to the ‘Iron Man of India’. This Academy is also an outcome of his foresight. I am glad to note that your academy song conveys this sentiment:

लोहे जैसी हिम्मत है

लोहे सा जज्बा अपना

आंखों में लिए चलते हैं हम

लौह-पुरुष का सपना।

If you remain steadfast to pursuing the dreams of Sardar Patel, you will definitely make immense contribution to the country and its people. I think, it is important to remind young officers like you, a famous statement of Sardar Patel. Appealing to the officers of newly independent India, he had said, and I quote, "Your predecessors were brought up in the traditions in which they kept themselves aloof from the common run of the people. It will be your bounden duty to treat the common men in India as your own.” [Unquote]

Ladies and gentlemen,

This Academy has been making great contribution for several decades by nurturing leaders for the Indian Police. When the country is celebrating ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, the nation acknowledges the rich contribution of our police force in sustaining and strengthening the world’s largest and most vibrant democracy.

The Indian Police has also made its huge contribution in preserving the unity of the country which was shaped by Sardar Patel. Thousands of brave police personnel have laid down their lives for the cause of India’s internal security. Their names are etched on ‘The Wall of Valour’ at the National Police Memorial in New Delhi. I offer my humble salutations to those valorous children of Bharat-Mata.

Paying respect to the brave-hearts at Martyrs’ Column in this campus was a very touching experience for me. I once again salute the memory of the I.P.S. officers who sacrificed their lives at the altar of duty.

Dear I.P.S. Probationers,

The burden of colonial past and feudal habits still affects many aspects of behaviour and governance in our country. That is why, liberation from the mindset of slavery, for those who still retain it, has been identified as one of the national priorities. Let us always remember the simple fact that the colonial powers developed policing-systems based on consent and participation of citizens in their own countries. But they promoted policing based on fear among citizens in colonies like India.

Police is the most visible organ of the government. When the police force commands trust of the people, it enhances the image of the government. The police will command respect and trust only when the entire force under you, to the last constable, displays alertness, sensitivity and honesty.

Dear I.P.S. Probationers,

Right since the beginning of your career, you will be in leadership positions. The quality of your leadership will determine the effectiveness and morale of the force led by you. It will also touch countless lives.

As the leaders of your force, you have to keep in mind and demonstrate through action, the five fundamental attributes of:




Competence and


The responsibility of prevention and detection of crime, and upholding the Rule of Law, is becoming more complex. Dealing with terrorism, insurgency, militancy, ideology-driven violent extremism, communal violence, large networks of organised crime and other threats to internal security requires high levels of motivation, skills and perseverance. Cyber-crimes and issues related to social media pose novel challenges. Technology-driven policing is needed to combat hi-tech crimes.

Police forces have to be partners in progress of the country and transformation of the society. Police officers like you are going to play the roles of change-agents in India’s achieving greater prosperity while ensuring Sustainable Development, especially inclusion. By inclusion, I mean inclusion of that last person, the most deprived person, the most vulnerable person. That person should be at the centre of your concerns. You should be sensitive to the plight of the voiceless. You have to ensure that an illiterate poor man living in a remote corner of the country, gets sympathetic support at the local police post.

Dear I.P.S. Probationers,

Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi had written, and I quote "My life has been an open book. I have no secrets and I encourage no secrets.” [Unquote].Transparency and friendliness demonstrated by police officers gets talked about among the people. It is said that the real worth of a person is determined by what he does when nobody is watching. Let me add to this and say that, everything big or small that you do, will come to be known to everyone. Imagine that you are living in a glass-house and let your life be like an open book. Try to fill the book of your life with your own stories of compassion, helping the underprivileged, earning the love and support of the people, yet being firm and decisive. Let the criminals tremble with fear at the very thought of the police. But, at the same time, let the common citizen look at the police as a friend and saviour.

If your team discharges its duties well, approval and trust of all stakeholders will follow as natural consequences of your genuine efforts. At times, you may encounter challenges, even unfair adversaries. But I assure you that, in the end, truth alone triumphs, ‘Satyameva Jayate’. I appeal to you to march ahead through the challenges of your career with a clear conscience and I bless you with an illustrious future ahead.

Dear I.P.S. Probationers,

In line with our stated national priorities, Nari Shakti has to play a major role in achieving the targets we have set for ourselves during the ‘Amrit Kaal’. A truly ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’, pre-supposes ‘Atmanirbhar Nari’. It is very rightly said that when you invest in a woman, the woman invests in everyone else. It is heartening to note that women are demonstrating greater participation in our democratic process. The rising share of women voters has been one of the biggest achievements of the Indian democracy in recent times. The leadership pipeline of women has to become larger and stronger in every walk of life.

Larger participation of women results in better overall development. I have been told that in Scandinavian countries, women constitute nearly thirty per cent of the police force. It is a fact worth high-lighting that the Scandinavian countries, having the largest average women representation in the police, are also among the top-ranking countries in terms of Human Development Indices. We should quickly move ahead from the phase of empowering women to the stage of women led development. It is already happening in many fields. It must happen in a much bigger way.

I must emphasise that women in leadership positions, like the lady police officers sitting here, should always help other women, especially the vulnerable. In fact, if every woman stands up for the weaker ones among them, the society will experience a great transformation.

I am happy to note that gender related inputs are integrated into your training modules. I am extremely delighted to know that for the last three successive batches of the I.P.S., lady officer trainees have been recognised as the best probationers.

Dear I.P.S. probationers,

Crimes against women remain a blot on our society. Let us all resolve to bring about transformational changes. You have to ensure that a girl travelling alone at late hours feels safe. Everyone has to ensure that fellow citizens follow the Fundamental Duty of renouncing practices derogatory to the dignity of women as stated in our Constitution.

I wish all of you a very bright future.

Thank you! 
Jai Hind! 
Jai Bharat!

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